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Sinobach boosted

🔥Urgent Prayer Requested🔥
Nigerian Pastor to be executed in two days by Muslim Extremists.

How am I just seeing this?!
Best video EVER.
Give this guy an Oscar, Grammy, Medal of Honor!

HEY FELLOW DingDashers
Let's give a big hand to the ONLY three DingDash users with more than 1k Dings!
They now have NINJA status!
@Rinati, @Asianking, @MaryMamuzich

Christian Romance novels? Christian suspense novels?
Do those even exist?
Yes they do and in this Exclusive BTJ podcast the author shares about a time when her and her father were taken hostage and tied up by masked robbers. Unbelievable interview!

Sinobach boosted

DAY 16 - Missionary Silas

Silas shares about life as a missionary in Tibet-
"Simple things like water and electricity are an answer to prayer for us, but God has never failed us. He continues to show us that He is walking together with us."

Sinobach boosted

Ok. With America one step closer to this INEQUALITY act, now is the time for everyone to get our friends, family and people around the world connected on here. One day overnight we could be disconnected. I have connections in dozens of countries but sadly it is connections that are mostly social media even though I have been with them all at their places. It would be devastating to lose that. We need to all become diligent. I will pick up my traffic here and began to drive my persecuted church friends here from around the world. Let's pray for all countries who are already under authoritarian rule and let's pray for America that the plan of the enemy is stopped before they get there. It could happen quick.

Sinobach boosted
Sinobach boosted

@sinbach the contagious became clean when Jesus touched them.

Sinobach boosted

@sinbach And much of the western church has adopted all these heartless "safety" protocols. The Kingdom of God reduced to Zoom.

Whether you like Trump or hate him, this was a GREAT win for Christians in America from SCOTUS. In a time of increased persecution around the world, SOMETIMES it feels so good to see some good news.
6-3 majority vote.

The creator of Mr. Potato Head might not know the gender of their creation
But your Creator is a little smarter.
He did not make any mistakes when He made you.

I had to go to your profile Bethany to see what grasshopper status looks like. 😁

"Don't believe everything you read on DingDash."
-Abraham Lincoln

In the last year, I have heard so many people who do not go to church teach me what Jesus would do. It has been really nice.
Wear a mask. that is what Jesus would do.
Keep six feet apart. That is what Jesus would do.
Stay home, save lives, that is what Jesus would do.
Don't go to church, that is DEFINITELY what Jesus would do.
Do not visit the sick, sit with the lonely, or console those grieving the death of a loved one because that is after all what Jesus would do. That is how Christians show love.
Do you not remember the parable of Jesus telling the sick to stay six feet away?
YES! Indeed! Jesus showed true Christian love to the leper by telling them to be safe, stay away from the village, and die alone.
Who knew that all that was needed to show love to those with leprosy was a mask and stay 6 ft away?
But perhaps that is not a fair comparison of the love of Jesus, because leprosy was neither as deadly nor as contagious as Covid.

My wife left this behind when she left.
It said "show stopping volume," but it doesn't work.
I used it on my hair and didn't hear a thing.
...sorry...I heard dad jokes were making a comeback.

Just added a cool feature to DingDash! If you post over 1000 Dings you get Ninja status! 😁 🥷

So many books being shipped out today for Jesus in Iran!
Today is the final day of this special Purim offer of 90% off the ebook.

To all my NE friends, if you are in eastern Pennsylvania this weekend, we would LOVE to see you.

Sinobach boosted

@sinbach , my husband gave me Jesus in Iran, per my request, for Christmas! I can't say how delighted I was to hear your Purim episode last night and tonight! I thought, "Yes! More believers are going to get to see God's hand upon Iran both in Esther's day and in this day!"
Ironically, my parents named me Esther after my grandmother so I've always felt a connection in name, and more recently, have been so stirred with love for our Jesus in reading the book of Esther, looking for all the places Jesus is pictured, i.e., going before the KING on our behalf, willing to actually perish that we might not be anhilated.
Thankyou, thankyou, for writing that book, and for the tremendous encouragement you're giving the body of Christ through the BTJ podcast!

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