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I FINALLY have the perfect come-back for a Facebook argument from 6 months ago!

I will miss you when I leave next week.
I don't want to leave you, you know that don't you?
You know you mean the world to me. I am nothing without you.
I will only go away for a few months and I PROMISE I will be on the first plane back to America as soon as I can. I swear it!
You should know that I will be thinking of you every day and I will write you every chance I get. We can even Facetime every night before I go to bed.
My love for you is strong. WE WILL MAKE IT THROUGH THIS.

Sinobach boosted

"Follow the Science" is the sermon of manipulators and the creed of fools. Science cannot lead—it gives data, not direction.

Humans take that data, interpret it, and apply it. Those who do so are not neutral. They are as corrupted by sin as you and I.

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DAY 14 - Brother "Z"

"By sharing Jesus with the people in Egypt, we were able to see prisoners of Islam set free.”

WOW! We just launched our PURIM special a few hours ago and the response has been amazing.
More than 65 orders for Jesus in Iran have already come in!
I want to thank all of our supporters and partners out there and I pray that this book will change the way you look at Purim, the book of Esther, and Iran forever.
Your Bible studies on Esther will NEVER be the same.
If you do not have the money to buy this book - DO NOT WORRY!
We have a special PURIM podcast for you where we share several mysteries that are revealed in this book for FREE!
Just go to our podcast TODAY and you will find it there.

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🙏🏼 Today is Purim 🙏🏼
At BTJ, we want to give all of our supporters a special gift. Our Jesus in Iran book is 50% off and the eBook is only $0.99 - for two days only!

Follow the link here:

For Purim this year we want to get this book JESUS IN IRAN into as many hands as POSSIBLE!
JESUS IN IRAN NOW AVAILABLE for 90% off for next 48 hours.
Iran is having the largest revival of any Muslim nation in the world.
Find out why!
So much to learn. For instance, did you know the entire book of Esther took place in Iran and Esther is the only book in the Bible with an Iranian name?
Did you know that Iran sent the first Christian missionaries to China 1,600 years ago?
Did you know Hitler is the one that helped change the name of Persia to Iran to hide God's heritage for the nation?
So many mysteries are revealed in this book.
No other book shares details of the underground house church while at the same time tracing the Christian history of believers back to the days of King Cyrus.
The book is 50% off. Ebook and Audiobook are 90% off.
Only for next 48 hours.
Happy Purim!

For Purim this year we want to get this book JESUS IN IRAN into as many hands as POSSIBLE!
JESUS IN IRAN NOW AVAILABLE for 90% off for next 48 hours.

Happy Purim!
For Purim today we would LOVE to share some secrets from the book of Esther learned while in Iran - Things you will NOT BELIEVE YOU HAVEN'T HEARD BEFORE.
Think you know the story of Esther? Think again!

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Urgent prayer request, for believers among Somali people. As they are imprisoned and persecuted with high risk🙏🙏!

I'm going to play some 1970s Petra music in a future podcast that I am CERTAIN no one has heard before.

Just did something that I thought I would never do - invited Petra to be our BTJ podcast.
I grew up listening to Petra and am now motivated to break out the old songs!

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DAY 12 - Brother Yun

Brother Yun tells the story of how God answered his prayer for rest -
"My vacation home was a Chinese prison and the Lord gave me the rest that I had so desperately needed.”

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If the Equality Act passes, states should refuse all federal money and say like Abraham said to the king of Sodom " I will not take a thread nor sandal thong from you lest you say that you have made me rich." Genesis 14:23

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Memories of little YuanHao. A precious abandoned baby we cared for until he went to be with Jesus after a surgery. Just wanted to give a glimpse of a reality we face here.

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Matt. 25:40 " 'And the King will answer them, ‘Don’t you know? When you cared for one of the least important of these my little ones, my true brothers and sisters, you demonstrated love for me.’Since 1978 CMM (Christ's Mandate for Missions) has helped win souls, disciple the saints and do our part to complete the Great Commission spreading the Gospel and helping in times of disaster. We've been blessed to give over $60 Million Dollars in humanitarian aid and thousands of dollars each month during COVID-19 to many nations, including the US. Learn updates from the fields and specific ways you can pray and help our brethren reaching the lost at any cost. We are sending thousands of dollars each month to help known, trusted friends overseas.

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"They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, 'Hosanna!' 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!' 'Blessed is the king of Israel!' " -John 12:13 🌴👑

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