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Sinobach boosted

URGENT PRAYER - please pray for me and my sister -we both have severe covid pneumonia and have very low oxygen levels - we need a miracle from God to be healed. I am in the hospital and they keep trying to give me remdesevir and want to put me on a ventilator. I'm so very scared - please pray for me. my sister is being treated at home - she found a Dr that will prescribe ivermectin - we are waiting for it to arrive. we both truly need a miracle.

Sinobach boosted

URGENT PRAYER - I forgot to add - our names are debbie and tammy.

Sinobach boosted

"The reason you're afraid of death, is; you don't know what you'll experience next. But, for those who lived The Kingdom on this side; It's Just A 'Much' Better Continuation Of Your Life In Eternity!" - Elijah Amos

Sinobach boosted

@Mtranchgirl I pray that God will give you His peace in this moment and comfort you with His presence - I pray that you can turn your eyes to Jesus and fully trust your and your sisters life in His hands - it's not in the doctors hands, it's in His hands who created you and gives you your every breath every day of your life! God is so God and He will not forsake you, He is the mighty rock under our foots and He will not shake whatever comes on our way. Put your trust in Him and leave all your worries and fears to him! ❤🙏 your sister in Jesus, Sari from Finland

OK. I've been to some of the most amazing places on earth, but RARELY have I been as pleasantly surprised with a place as much as I have been by Savannah Georgia.
So unexpected how much I love this place (in the winter OF COURSE!)

In case the first baptism wears off after only a few months.

Sinobach boosted

Legalistic and self-righteous believers have this unique talent to tear apart all the decent conversations (mostly on Facebook, but even here on Ding Dash) bringing to the table nothing else but condemnation.
So... dear Brother, dear Sister, if you are a target in social media:
Stay strong, do the thing you were called to do, do not get distracted by anonymous people attacking you.
I'll be praying for extra strength and patience for you - just let me know.
@Will @bethany @Olamide @Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter @Berrybunchfamily @sinbach @MaryMamuzich

God forgive us when our desire to be relevant compels us to buy into some of the most ignorant senseless ideas while throwing away life's most valuable treasure.

My goal is to lose 10 lbs before New Year.
I only have 15 more to go.

Sinobach boosted

@sinbach Yes! Yes for the Year of Illegal Bibles! Let's finish what Jesus told us to do 🤩

The grandkids (2 are missing) spending Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa.

Quiet night. Silent night.
My favorite time of the year.

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