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Sinobach boosted

I don’t know how many here will have read INFIDEL by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, but it’s an amazing book about her journey leaving Islam. She’s been an atheist ever since - until this month. @sinbach shared this article with me this about her recent journey to Christ 🙏🏼❤️

You can read it here:

Sinobach boosted

Please pray for a 25 year old partially bedridden person. Her father was a Pastor.
Mother working to support her, so daytime she is alone. Please pray for her to be completely healed.

It's official! my son and his bride!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳

Sinobach boosted

Ok! Somebody actually challenged @sinbach to a Christian/Buddhism debate - and Eugene accepted.
Let's hope that the other side will show up and that this conversation will bring life & Godly love 😃

(link to Youtube: )

Sinobach boosted
Now taking applications 2023-2024.
Classes in English, Spanish, Thai, Burmese.
Connect with the heart of the Lord and folks from different streams and church backgrounds and cultures globally! The Remnant may be small but it is so powerful!

Sinobach boosted

Avi Misrachi carries the mantle of a leading Rabbi, Daniel S. Zion, in his native Bulgaria, who in working with an Orthodox priest, saved thousands of Jews in WW2. This rabbi openly believed in Jesus as Messiah, as did Avi, leader of Dugit,org Ministries in Israel. For several generations, the rich legacy and heritage have continued through this well-respected Messianic leader in their church, prayer tower, coffee shop, and evangelistic outreaches providing humanitarian aid to many every week. Avi and his family and ministry welcome many Jews making Aliyah to Israel as the Great Harvest and salvation of Israel marches forward. CMM is a regular supporter of Avi and Dugit. As the Lord leads, join with many CMM Partners who pray for and support Dugit through CMM.

Sinobach boosted
Sinobach boosted

@Berrybunchfamily I'm here. 😊👋 I look through the dings at least ones a day, and enjoy reading of you who still are active, but otherwise I try to minimize my time on social media 🙏

I had high hopes for Twitter. I really did!

But as leaves China - the future of Twitter does not seem as freedom bound as I thought. 😥

Sinobach boosted
Sinobach boosted
Sinobach boosted

So this just happened.
Our family just grew a little bigger. 🥳

Sinobach boosted
Sinobach boosted

From time to time we get some people attacking BTJ and Brother Yun with these kinds of questions...
In this short message, @sinbach clarifies the story.

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