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@sinbach Thanks for the picture! ❤️ I love the Turku (Åbo for me) archipelago, it's so beautiful! Then you know exactly how Finns love to spend their holidays. Sauna and swimming...mmm. You are very lucky if you have access to a cabin both in the Swedish mountains and one in the Finnish archipelago!

It takes 3,5-4 hours to drive to Turku from us. My husband's head office is there. If you happen to be in Turku, please let me know, if we happen to be close by!
You are forgiven if you can't pronounce the complex vowel sounds. 😂

@sinbach it's embarrassing to admit but I had to google loimulohi... I have eaten all kinds of lohi, but not exactly loimulohi. Most dishes are simultaneously Swedish and Finnish (like meatballs that originate from Sweden)... and then we have these typically Finnish dishes, that don't even have a Swedish name.

@bethany I understand that you think that you speak the correct English - it's the original! 😀 And it's more sofisticated...

No offense British people! Not said it's not as beautiful as American English... it's just harder to understand and pronounce it. I visited my sister in Manchester in 2006 when she lived there, and I almost panicked when it was so difficult to understand her friends. I thought that my English was too bad. Then I met her American friend and understood her! 😂 I don't know how much is has to do with growing up with American movies, tv-series and music, and how much it has to do with British English, is objectively more complicated, especially dialects. When I try to speak English I sound more American than British. I should go to England and practice...

We should listen to the wisdom of former LGBTQ people, since Christians tend to fall into one of two ditches. Neither of them is the way of Christ, which is the third way.

@MaryMamuzich @tymektt we do also have lots of canola fields in Finland! But it will take a few weeks before they bloom.

@bethany oh, that's bad! We have had better than that, but compared to how May use to be, it's been both colder, more windy and rainy. Wishing you more sunshine 🌞 for June!

@sinbach that's the weirdest proverb I've ever read! 😂 You are nuts... 😅 🤣

@bethany have you had many days with rain lately? We have had more cloudy or rainy days than usual in May.

@Berrybunchfamily I meant beans (I blame autocorrect for the misspelled word).

@Berrybunchfamily great! I made it the easier way with tinned bensa.

Grilling chicken wings, potatoes and mushrooms tonight. For the first time in my life I made hummus. It wasn't too complicated.

@Kruselady do you make cheese of the goat's milk, or drink the milk? (If it's female). I love all kinds of cheese made from goat's milk. In addition the milk is more healthy than cow milk.

@Kruselady ok, I can imagine goats eating everything! 😂

@sinbach I'm sorry for missing those links! But thank you for taking the time to provide me with the article! 🙏

I love watching our garden in bloom, after a long winter and unusually cold spring time. This is rhododendron.

@sinbach upsetting but not surprising. The follow-up question is what they do with that information. Do they cooperate with governments that have planned to mandate vaccines? So far it's not mandatory where I live. The more I read stuff like this the more convinced I get that this vaccine thing is not about protecting the citizens - it's about an agenda, a control system. And the more I get convinced that I will refuse it as long as possible. But how do the Nordic citizens get their eyes opened? Most people I know here trust FB 100%, our government and politicians 100%, the health organizations 100%. It might sound strange to an American or Chinese. But it has to do with our society and history. Times have changed, but not the mindset. If I share this on FB there are two scenarios 1. Very few will read it because it's in English or because of the heading. 2. I will be accused of sharing fake news. @sinbach where did you find out about this? An article?

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