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@faith20 you are right! How are things going for you and your wife? Is there any chance of relief when it comes to restrictions? Any chance to work as a teacher unvaccinated?

@sinbach a lessons learned for both dad and son (?). 😊 But your story tells me how much you love and care about him. The tricky thing with the gut feeling... I can't trust mine when it comes to my son. In other cases it works a little better.

@sinbach we have a lot of these "orderly people" where I live. And it's a little scary these days... they share articles of people dying from c-19, and laughing, because they are unvaxxed. They are rather right than loving. Those purity persons can be really dangerous... as somebody wrote somewhere something like this (I read it in Swe): Hitler was eating from the tree of good and evil. The good side of the tree is as evil, as the evil side. It's the same evil, rotten roots. The tree of life is Jesus. The good side of the first mentioned tree is religion and self-righteousness.

@sinbach thanks for sharing! Very interesting! Jordan is smarter than most of us... I am happy that he uses his intelligence wisely.

@otso On ihan tuore kuva Jyväskylästä (Jyväsjärvi)! Löysin sen netistä...

@sinbach @Cherishingsparrows2020
And the great thing is that it's not only delicious, but healthy as well!

"Many people are surprised to find that the right kind of chocolate is actually very heart healthy. Dark chocolate contains many nutrients including fiber, magnesium, iron, copper, calcium, protein, and manganese.

Dark chocolate is high in antioxidant flavonoids and polyphenols that combat oxidative stress and inflammation. Flavanols are the main type of flavonoid found in dark chocolate. Flavanols have been shown to have numerous heart healthy benefits including lowering blood pressure and improving blood flow to the heart

The darker and less processed the chocolate, the higher the amount of catechins are in the chocolate. Catechins are super antioxidant flavanols with beneficial effect on cardiovascular health. Catechins can effectively lower blood pressure, prevent oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol..." Read the rest here:

@Cherishingsparrows2020 I am fond of dark chocolate. And it feels good to enjoy it with a good conscience because there's almost no sugar in it. Organic even healthier.

Tanja boosted

On May 1, 2018, Huldah's husband, Abraham, didn't return home. The next day, his beheaded body was found. It is believed that Hindu radicals falsely told a Maoist group (Naxalites) that he was a police informant. The Maoist group, who generally oppose the government, killed him.

Pray for Huldah and her two adopted children as they continue in ministry and cope with such a great loss.

@sinbach @bethany @Olamide thanks for the old film clip! It would be interesting to know if there was a temporary rise in traffic accidents. I remember when they changed our currency from mark to euro. 1 euro was about 6 marks. I felt like a child, because the new numbers told me nothing. For a couple of years I had to count. And learned the 6 times table... very well. 😂

@bethany @Olamide Ok, I surrender! Do as you want! Don't want to become your enemy because you do things differently over there... 😂

@bethany @Olamide @Berrybunchfamily but an honest question, why are you driving on the wrong side of the road? I wouldn't stand everybody driving on the wrong side if I would visit England and drive on the right side.

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