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Tanja boosted

Our Father in Heaven is not a scorekeeper, judging us by our failures vs. our successes. God, the father is goal-oriented. What matters is who we become, not what we have done.

The things we do shape who we become, but the way we respond to the conviction of the Holy Spirit, reshapes us into the image God intends. It doesn’t matter what crooked forms we took in the past.
What matters is our willingness to be remolded.

This picture was shared by a Kurdish woman living in Sweden, Soheila Fors. She writes in Swedish "People ask if Kurdish women traditionally used to wear hijab. As the pictures show, they wear turbans, not hijab, at festive events. The hijabs were forced on us by you know whom".

Listen to what's going on in Australia! Hailey was sent to 14 days of internment camp - protected by high fences and police. She never even tested positive. She was put there as a punishment for lying to the police that she had taken the test, even if she hadn't. She had been around a person who tested positive, and police was knocking on her door. She got scared and said that she had had the test.

There is a information war going on in our world. There are so many in my country who don't believe in other information than what comes from MSM. Therefore I am happy that this is uttered in Finnish state media! It doesn't automatically mean that the covid passports will be stopped, but this can be an eye opener for ordinary peopel. It's the government's decision, but they discuss with our national health insitute. And at the moment the government is investigating the possiblities to implement covid passports at working places. I don't know where this will end. Worst case scenario: many of us lose our jobs because we refuse the vax. Best case: we return to normal.

Tanja boosted

In Germany protests against corona regulations and vaccine mandates are basically not allowed

But, going for a walk is allowed 😍. So many people meet at a certain time once a week to go for a walk

The latest idea is to go to a demo to search for a person that is wanted by the police. Because everyone wants to help the police to find this imaginary person


We were on a Christmas tree hunt today, in my mother-in-law's forest. The trees are far from perfect there but we found one that is not too big for our living room. (My parents in-law are not rich, but it's not uncommon for a Finn to own a little or a bigger area of a forest. 75 % of the land area of Finland consists of forest. In addition it is a big country with a small population).

Tanja boosted

@Antonio, dear brother, you and the many believers around you are seen and known by our Savior. You are not alone or trekking through these valleys without His knowledge and tender love toward you. Thankyou for your encouragement to us here in the US, through your zealous love for Jesus and the furthering of His kingdom. Satan knows his time is short; be strong in the Lord and in the power of His Spirit who is mightily at work in you! Praying from Pennsylvania, USA.

"Professor Exley has been studying the impact of aluminum on the human body since 1984 and states that:

There has been a strong link between human exposure to aluminum and the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease for half a century or more.

Dr. Exley is not alone in his thinking. He is part of a growing number of experts making the link between aluminum toxicity and conditions like autism, diabetes, neuropathy, and cancer, as well as Alzheimer’s."

Tanja boosted
An mRNA vaccine nearly killed a friend of mine. Embolisms in his fucking neck and four clots in his arm alone. Has to not work for 3 months (unpaid) on blood thinners or they could break free and reach his brain. Was required by his job to take it, yet has no one he can hold legally liable for his weeks of pain or lost income.

Dunno how to describe my feelings without coming off as some internet toughguy here, but it's gotten personal. I'm over playing nice with zero-empathy puppets running defense for corporate profit schemes.
Tanja boosted

@faith20 @tanjaostman
My sister and her family live in Canada. It truly is difficult there. It's difficult in almost every place on earth, but it's still much easier in most parts of the USA than it is in Canada. With the things happening all over the earth and including those happening here in America, the freedom we have is more appreciated than it was two years ago.
@faith20 Your written English is excellent.

I follow a hashtag on Instagram. The hashtag .church.of.canada caught my attention. Folks, we are living in another world than 2 yrs ago! Things are changing rapidly. We are losing rights in the West that we used to take for granted. Read this blog post and watch the video in the article!

Tanja boosted

@Berrybunchfamily @bethany @sinbach Sometimes a good laugh can help release the stress. But, it's really sad to call a brother "Satan". The world will know Jesus' followers by our love for one another. God's Word doesn't teach that we'll all agree about everything. In fact, it's quite clear that we will have differences in both gifts and understanding. But, the love is more than a suggestion. It is a direct command from Jesus. And, He said IF we love Him, we WILL obey His commands. If we love Him, we will love our brothers and sisters. This is serious. The world will insult and persecute the followers of Jesus, but may God help us not to persecute one another. The enemy wants to divide the Body of Christ. Jesus prayed for unity for a reason. May I share His heart in this matter.

Anyone who can confirm this is true? Anyone who has a trustworthy source on this? I don’t have time to search right now, and I don't know what American newspapers/ -websites are the best. If this is true, it gives me hope! I am so sick and tired of all lies and unrighteousness that we are facing every day. I found this in the Instagram feed today, but no source.

Tanja boosted
Tanja boosted

Inbox me if you are offended at the idea of idea of Christmas ☃️🎄
Let us pray and get this nastiness off you!!!

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