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@Cherishingsparrows2020 and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY

we pray God blesses you with SO many more

Andy and Jo and the boys

@sinbach 😂 I've been there're not on your own😜

mind you, mine was a wall so I've not a clue what I was thinking that day! 🤣

Andy B

@Cherishingsparrows2020 I realise, now, that I didn't convert it to US measurements...for example castor sugar is called superfine sugar, I believe

@Kruselady totally agree with you.

But, it's all too easy to think He fails us if we have the wrong perspective, and forget that God is perfect.

If we see Him as more of a responder to our prayers, we can miss who He truly is 🙂 as Lord of Lords and King of Kings .

Andy B

: God’s provision

Thanks to @Cherishingsparrows2020 for this one 🙂

It speaks of God’s miraculous provision for so many things, including needs for health and a home. It shows His love for us – as His children – and how God uses all sorts of people to help us along our journey.

God’s provision
Several years ago my family and I moved to the house where we now live. There is more to that testimony, but I’ll leave that for another time. At the time of our move, we owned our previous home but didn’t have a significant savings or a high income.

From the time our first child was born, I’ve stayed home with the children. So, my husband has been the only one earning a regular income.

We purchased our current home through a special arrangement, and with the expectation that our previous home would very soon be sold or leased out. [READ MORE]

For the rest of this Testimony visit our website -->

A Brief Pause with Andy B, 31.0.2022

Struggles can be opportunities...if we let them.

Perhaps, God didn't fail you, but created an opportunity to train and strengthen you!

Andy B

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@bethany mornin from another bit of the UK 🙂

Not raining here just now. It has though!

Andy B

Andy B 2 Minute Video, Get a second opinion! S04E080

While filming some new material I made one small mistake, and gave one file the wrong title. When looking through the files on the computer later, I realised it had caused a whole bunch of files to now appear to be incorrectly labelled.

After spending some time trying to sort it, I realised I really needed a second set of eyes looking at the problem, so called in my middle son – Nathan.

Together we worked out the easiest way of renaming files correctly: sometimes we just need a second opinion – somebody else who can look at the problem and help us sort out a solution [READ MORE]

Andy B

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@Cherishingsparrows2020 the recipe we use

We substituted lemons for oranges. I guess you could use limes too: lime curd is certainly a 'thing' over here too.

The orange curd we made was nice, but not so popular. worked fine though 🙂

Found a back door to provide food to North Korea during these hard times. This is ONLY because of prayer. A big thanks to everyone praying for BTJ!

A Brief Pause with Andy B, 30.05.2022

Psalm 23 v 6
Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the LORD forever.

Andy B

It’s good to check in with God during the day, so take a brief pause every hour or so and reflect on this quote/image.

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@ccoutreach87 yep. exactly as @katharos says

personally I just skip over the posts that are just links

We're a friendly community, but get to know people and give us time

@ccoutreach87 The platform does not have any restrictions related to posting, however all individual users have full control over whether or not they block another user.
It’s usually good to post things other than links from time to time, it increases to human interaction and helps to guard against the impression that you are a bot.

@Cherishingsparrows2020 this one is with jam instead of lemon curd...lemon curd isn't used any more, but when I read up on it, it used to be

Jo is from the county of Devon, and the cream always goes on first. Cornwall has jam first then the cream... Cornwall is the county next to Devon and this makes for quite a bit of rivalry lol

I married Jo, so learned to do it properly with the cream going on first 😂

@Cherishingsparrows2020 just as you do - spread it on bread or toast, that's what we do

Traditionally it was part of an English Cream Tea; you'd spread it on scones (biscuits?) With clotted cream (very thick cream)

I'll photo the recipe for you.

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