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@KarlGessler how did it go yesterday?

Was praying for God to move through all there!

@KarlGessler awesome stuff - well done!

may God more mightily and powerfully through you opening your home and your hearts for His kingdom!!

already praying, but of course 🙂

Andy B

We will be hosting this event at our house today. Your prayers for us would be greatly appreciated! We expect a large crowd. We want to see miracles of healing and deliverance; body, heart, and soul.
We will be missing the presence of @sinbach Maybe next time...

Surrendering to God means you don't have to surrender to the Devil!

@Pablito @Kruselady it's so good to seek to see situations through God's eyes; to seek to see things from His perspective

We see David taking that journey in the Psalms - moving from his human struggles,through to Praising God anyway.

This is something I've spent 35 years still trying to get right!! I'm still very good at telling God my struggles. I'm still not very good at moving to Praising Him anyway...I'm glad I'm a work in progress!!

Andy B

@faith20 chatting with a brother who lives in Portugal, he said it was 33 degrees yesterday (he's originally from the UK)

Marriage Matters – Coming Up, 21.05.2022, Let’s Get Physical!

Watch the trailer for our next Podcast Episode and find out what’s coming up in our next episode of the Marriage Matters Podcast:

In this week’s Marriage Matters, Andy B and Jo do some straight talking about sex in marriage – ‘Let’s get physical’ – focusing on the good stuff and the benefits!

Andy and Jo affirm the importance of sex, discuss some of the pitfalls and share their ups and downs in their own marriage, pun intended!

Andy and Jo

@Berrybunchfamily amen . My daily prayer is let my eyes see what you see let my ears hear what you hear my hands be your hands .

Hey, People of encouraged! 😍
“You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness;
Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You
With the oil of gladness above Your companions.”
— Hebrews 1:9

A Brief Pause with Andy B, 19.05.2022

"Don't go to God with the list of To Do items you think He has failed to complete for you.

Be brave and ask Him for the To Do list He's got for you"

Andy B

Note to self:
Political corruption cannot stop the work of the Holy Spirit.

@faith20 Thankyou my friend.......we've one child who still has another 6 1/2 years of school age yet to go

We'll probably survive the first wave iofevil because we use a curriculum approved by the department of education

"All to keep children safe"

Church Christians have been the most horrible of attackers against our decision to home educate ......

People in the world have been mostly positive of our decision

UK politicians are set to regulate home educating famikies like they do with sex offendors

Never thought I'd see that see sort of a comparison being made by academics and experts on this latest proposal to criminalise parenting.

Prayers are needed for the UK. A proposed piece of legislation would send normal mums and dads to prison, with no upper limit, if they fail to comply in anyway - a forced home education register

The people set to manage this? They won't be trained or have any knowledge in home education, and there will be no appeal process or accountability for their actions.

I'm trusting in Jesus, but this proposal makes me feel quite sick

Oh, it's all to keep children safe. My MP was almost giddy when he replied to my letter, so excited was he about this proposal.

Meanwhile a 16 year old child was physically assaulted, by a group of class mates - in school - while teachers did nothing. Her crime for the vigilante retribution? Saying there are only two genders.

Andy B

@tymektt while not quite the same, somebody kindly gifted us some money to purchase some BerryBunch branded t-shirts.

Jo collected them this morning ☺️

Andy B

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