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60 Second Update, Issue 20

60 Seconds is all it takes to make sure you've not missed out on any of our posts, videos and resources - or exciting events we've got coming up.

In Case You Missed It
Endurance – I’m Fine (S05E001)
Steven and Nathan were back with a new season of Endurance – your weekly spiritual workout – now with a difference. Steven is the one to take us deeper and with Nathan’s helpful questioning, they both look at why we say “I’m Fine” when we are not, encouraging us to be honest with others, ourselves, and God.

Family Prayer Time – Psalm 1 (S02E001)
And Peter and JoJo are back with more Family Prayer Time, this time praying through the psalms and starting with Psalm 1 which tells us about what happens to the Wicked and the benefits of being righteous! [READ MORE]

The BerryBunch

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We're back - tomorrow!!

Marriage Matters – Coming Up, 23.07.2022, What’s The Big Deal?

What's coming up in our next Marriage Matters Podcast?

Andy B and Jo are back for more Marriage Matters. They said they would be back and here they are - back with more matters about marriage that matter because marriage matters, as Andy B so succinctly manages to say each week (or not)!

As usual Andy and Jo share their thoughts and personal experiences as they consider why Marriage is the way to go and seek to dispel the myths about marriage that make you think of marriage in a negative way. Andy B and Jo do their best to extol the virtues of marriage which wasn’t as difficult as it sounds as the research seems to back them up!

Andy and Jo

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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 22.07.2022

It’s interesting to think of those things we absolutely need… …until they are gone, when we realise how easily we can live without them.

Andy B

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"For every time you look at yourself take ten looks at the cross and ten looks at Jesus."
Robert Murray M'Cheyne


my brother, how are you and your lovely wife?

please update me

you're rarely out of my mind. i don't always send you messages. But please know you're frequently in my prayers!

how are things for you right now? how is the drought?

we're looking ahead at a very trying year in the UK as we move forwards. i am worried what a new prime minister will do...we will see; God is still in control, but I see a rough 12 months ahead for the UK people

in January our energy bill (heating, cooking) was about £100/month

by October (just 3 months from now) the government say it might be £550/month (since price rises in March we pay £300/month)

many families here have been struggling to feed their children since prices suddenly rose in march...salaries have not gone up. people do not have the extra money to heat their homes and cook food

we are blessed with a wood burning stove. we will try and find wood to heat our home. it is going to get very difficult

your brother

Andy B

Behind the scenes with the BerryBunch

I’ve been hearing the same thing of late, from quite a few people. And it goes something like this:

“How are you able to produce so much? I can’t do that”.

So, let me pull the curtain back a little, to the world of the BerryBunch – in the hope that I can encourage you in your own serving of God.

But, firstly, do you have any specific questions you’d like us to answer about what we do, how we do it, or why we do it? Let us know and we’ll do our best to answer them. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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so far 4,750,000 Ukrainian refugees had fled the war zone and entered Poland.
I'm speechless.

A Brief Pause with Andy B, 20.07.2022

Don’t mistake age for wisdom. The one does not necessarily grow with the other!

Andy B

It’s good to check in with God during the day, so take a brief pause every hour or so and reflect on this quote/image.

Please don’t forget to pray for the orphans in China. Because of Covid no international adoptions are moving forward and there are many children waiting for parents and a loving home. 😰😰😰😰😰 they are on my hearts every day. Some little children even had parents arriving to be pick them up and bring them home.... when suddenly the China wall went up and no one could come in to pick them up anymore until Covid restrictions are lifted. Those children have been waiting ever since. Those parents are besides themselves waiting to come get them! Please pray the hearts can be turned soon to opening back up the roads for adoption. And that the people of God could also have moved hearts towards providing homes for children who have been abandoned and are suffering every day without a family.

: A Moment with Our Creator

Today’s testimony comes from Beth Alisan, and her blog, Lessons from a Lab. Her testimony speaks not just of God’s goodness, and God’s provision – but also God’s ever perfect timing. And, if you haven’t come across Beth’s blog, it is simply superb and I always enjoy finding out what God will want to say to me.

Praise be to the Lord God, the God of Israel, who alone does marvelous deeds. PSALM 72:18

Praise be to His glorious name forever; may the whole earth be filled with His glory. Amen and Amen. Psalm 72:19

Each year, I pack up my kids, my younger brother packs up his kids, my Dad packs up the boat, and we meet at a lakeside cabin for a week of fishing at a state park close to my older brother’s home. On the morning of our departure, the kids and I saw my husband off to work before loading the mini-van and heading north. [READ MORE]

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@tymektt Most of us are on 1 meal a day. Bicycling to farm, ministry locations, etc

Inspite of political chaos administrators are doing their job well.
Colombo mayor is a born again believer.
Out of 4 groups trying to rule the nation 2 hold extreme religious or ideological views. (One is communist).

People are open and receptive to the Gospel message than before..
Many groups are discouraging farmers from sowing paddy, etc with hidden agendas.
Some groups have became extremely vulnerable, especially the war widows of last decade, etc
Please pray against Human trafficking , Laziness and extreme poverty.

In the country of Laos, our team was able to deliver tons upon tons of food to the Laos government which was promptly delivered by our team alongside the government which our team later came back and shared Jesus with many who have become disciples.

morning DingDash family peoples

we got a heatwave in the UK with temperatures in London predicted to be hotter than the Sahara Desert

we don't live in London 🙂

How's y'all?

Andy B

A Brief Pause with Andy B, 18.07.2022

The wise inherit honour, but fools are put to shame!

Proverbs 3 v 35

Andy B

Please pray for my mother and her husband, Dick and Roxane. They both went into the hospital today.

Dick is not at all well, he has liver failure and kidney failure and is very sick. He is swollen and jaundiced, blood count is a quarter of what it should be, and they are giving him blood right now.

Please pray for grace at work, as I try to take off work again for family emergency.

Please pray for a place for me to live closer to them, for God’s grace strength and help, and for salvation for both of them (they are both 80).

Thank you so much for praying.

The boys are back!!
S05E001, I'm Fine! Endurance

On this, the first episode of Season 5, we talk about how we use the phrase “I’m fine.”

We had a short break, but we’re back with a newly refined season of Endurance.

Endurance is your weekly spiritual workout, whether you think of yourself as a beginner, an intermediate, or advanced!

Steven begins his first ever GoDeeper by stating the rather obvious fact, that saying you are fine when you are not, is lying.

He goes on to unpack Colossians 3:9, which commands us not to lie to one another (other Christians).

He points out that when one lies about being fine, it is not helpful, because how can anyone help if no one knows that something is wrong. [READ MORE]

Steven and Nathan

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There’s always hope!

There are times in our lives when we feel hopeless, when we can’t see a way out, a way forward, a way to resolve our circumstances and we lose hope.

It’s fair to say that there were many moments in the Lord of the Rings when at various times different characters struggled with the events that were so dark and dismal that their feelings of hopelessness were revealed.

When Helm’s Deep was under attack with only three hundred men inside trying to defend themselves against an army of over ten thousand orcs there was, understandably fear and despair amongst the men. And to make matters worse many of these men had not seen battle or never even used a sword before. Not good! [READ MORE]


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S02E001, Delight in the Law of the Lord, Family Prayer Time

“Be honest, be truthful, be real with God.”

Peter & JoJo launch a new series of Family Prayer Time, getting together to encourage us, as always - to pray as a family. In this new series, Pete and Jo are praying through the psalms, starting with Psalm 1 because it’s good to start at the beginning, a very good place to start…...!

Be encouraged to read the bible together during Family Prayer Time, as JoJo says, prayer is communicating with God which means talking and listening, so if we think about it if we read the bible we are listening to God as the bible is God’s word.

In this episode, Peter and JoJo read through the whole of Psalm 1 as their prayer which reveals the difference between following Jesus and following the wicked. [READ MORE]

Peter and JoJo

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