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: All expense holidays, while unemployed

God loves to show off – just look in a mirror. He made you to be a little bit like Him, and He thinks you’re truly amazing.

See, I told you He likes showing off. There isn’t a single person who is just like you: God hand crafts us with purpose, and on purpose to be both unique and fully capable of everything He desires us to do!

Testimony: All expense holidays, while unemployed
When you’re unemployed, and desperately trying to find employment, the last thing on your mind is a holiday. Although, actually, it is often very needed – because unemployment has to be one of the single most stressful places you can ever find yourselves in. Particularly when your job was taken from you, rather than surrendered by you. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 10.08.2022

Just because we can, doesn’t mean to say we should.

Andy B

It’s good to check in with God during the day, so take a brief pause every hour or so and reflect on this quote/image.

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“I am a secret agent for the King of Kings!“

In one way this is a post, only not on a Tuesday – but this wasn’t one we could skip: it wouldn’t wait! We’ll come back to that. And, on the other hand, it is both a challenge and an encouragement to us all on how we do anything for God.

It’s also my first post after a week’s much needed break. So, hello and well met – how are you doing?!?

Essentially, the question on my mind today is whether we are doing ‘good’ for God, or for us.

If you’ve ever watched a James Bond film, Mission Impossible or, indeed, any secret agent film, you’ll be familiar with the idea of a Secret Agent. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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And in another amazing miracle someone contacted us to say they wanted to pay for us to buy a replacement [brand new, proper specced] computer for our video editing, and an exciting, brand new, project we really can't wait to tell you about.......and fi which we will very much this new computer

We are utterly humbled and overwhelmed by God's ever kind goodness.

Thanks if you were praying for this

Andy B and the BerryBunch

Any Lord of the Rings fan out there: This is one of Jo's posts last week.

"I can carry you"

In life, we all face our own challenges and difficulties. And, although we can empathise with other people and their problems, whether we have been through similar experiences or not, no one can be in our situations for us. And this is clearly highlighted towards the end of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy when Frodo’s dear, friend and companion, admits that he cannot carry Frodo’s burden – which was the ring around his neck. However, Samwise Gamgee realised that he could carry Frodo to where they needed to go – Mount Doom. Sam says to Frodo:

“I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you”

This is a powerful, and poignant, moment in the film, revealing the true and faithful heart of a friend who ‘sticks closer than a brother’ (Proverbs 18:24).


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we've had a good week off, chilling at home, so I'm posting a few, more recent, videos - we stopped, but they didn't stop going out 😊

we would appreciate prayers for our computer, since it's rather central to all we do...we bought a refurbished PC last Friday and died yesterday....these things happen, but it adds a tad more stress as we've now got to sort that, and we still need a replacement computer (a new computer isn't an option for us any time soon).

Andy B

S02E004, God’s Protection, Family Prayer Time

In this fourth episode of the new season, Peter & JoJo get together to encourage us, as always - to pray as a family – and in this series by using the Book of Psalms. This time, Pete and Jo read the whole of Psalm 4, all 8 verses.

This Psalm was written by King David who is waxing lyrical about God’s Protection, even to the point of saying at the end of the Psalm: ‘In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe.’ That’s good one for night time to aide a peaceful slumber!

Join Peter and JoJo in praying through another psalm and rejoice with them in God’s Protection.

Peter and Jo Jo

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S05E004, Rhythm of the Righteous, Endurance

On this episode, we expound the topic of spiritual rhythm.

Endurance is your weekly spiritual workout, whether you think of yourself as a beginner, an intermediate, or advanced!

This week Steven begins GoDeeper by relating our need for rhythm when running to the rhythm we need in our everyday life.

He goes on to draw out some of the things that Romans 12:8-9 commands us to do in order to live at peace with everyone. They include prayer, generosity, rejoicing, service to God and more. Our daily routine or rhythm should include these things listed in Romans 12:8-9.

To conclude this week’s GoDeeper, Steven challenges us to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading to change what we need to in order for us to have rhythm in our lives.

Steven and Nathan

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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 09.08.2022

Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. Romans 13:1

Andy B

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"Tyranny grows slowly and asks us to retreat in comparatively tiny steps. - Jordan Peterson.

Anyone struggling right now, wondering if God has a plan for your life, if you are a believer, should ask the question. How could He not?

From "3 weeks to flatten the curve" to the brink of World War 3...
humanity, always messing stuff up.
Let's go Chasing Revival!!!

Birthday number two on our week off

This time it's Nathans ( @TakeN ) turns he turns 17

Andy B

PS That birthday banner has been used, for every birthday in our family, since the late 1990s

I am a companion of all them That fear thee, and of them that keep thy precepts.

Psalm 119:63

Update on my granddaughter!! She grew!!! Yay!! She is 1.5 pounds heavier and 1.5 inches taller!! Still smaller than the majority of children her age but she's healthy and smart!
I'm so grateful for then prayers concerning her, thank you!! God is so faithful and mighty.

Family cycle to the sea on my birthday ☺️

And first family cycle for over a year, due to a God incident and miracle which enabled us to buy bikes for the older two lads - we sold their bikes last summer, as they'd outgrown them but were never able to replace them

That all changed last weekend.

God is good. Time for steak and chips - while watching Sing 2 😁

Andy B

Another day, another birthday.

Usually presents are put on a table in the lounge before you get up, here in the BerryBunch household, This time it was put together before I went to bed.....which means I've woken up excited to get back downstairs to open them 😊

And why does 45 sound like I should start being all mature and adult like?!? Why start now!!

Andy B

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