@Berrybunchfamily the Lord bless your family this year and may His face shine upon you
By the way people, we're on air on Christmas day, 8am til 10 am (UK) (sandwiched between the lovely John Clayton and the effervescent Gareth Cottrell)
We're then back for the Breakfast Show for a couple of weeks (from Tuesday).
Merry Christmas and if you want some company, tune into Konnect Radio where we have a truly epic team of fantastic presenters and even better music.
Andy B
A small, delicate, colourful flower hides among dark, gnarly green leaves. When a black van parked behind the fence, an otherwise uninteresting composition became quite dramatic. The vehicle darkened the background, accentuating the gloomy atmosphere, which was ideal.
Little editing was required to achieve the dark, ethereally sombre aura.
Check out the first, official BTJ #short on YouTube
S06E005, Miracle Trainers, Endurance
In Endurance this week, Steven and Nathan are looking at miracles. They look at some miracles in the Bible, and Steven talks about his ‘miracle trainers.’
Endurance is your weekly spiritual workout, whether you think of yourself as a beginner, an intermediate, or advanced!
Go Deeper
Steven kicks off this week’s Endurance by explaining what is so miraculous about his trainers – besides being a bargain. He looks at a couple of prevalent miracles from the Bible, as well as a miracle involving running in the Old Testament.
We are reminded that God still performs miracles today, as Steven brings some more interesting points to the subject of miracles. [READ MORE]
Steven and Nathan
For More --> https://www.berrybunch.family/s06e005-miracle-trainers-endurance/
S03E005, Solomon’s Prayer of Dedication, Family Prayer Time
Peter and JoJo continue to encourage us to pray as a family by using prayers found in the Bible. In this episode, Peter and Jo have found a Dedication prayer by King Solomon which can be found in 2 Chronicles 6:14-42 – Dedication’s what you need!
This is quite a long prayer, but powerful and part of an exciting and historic moment when the Temple is completed, and King Solomon prays before the nation of Israel.
Peter explains that dedication is about setting something or someone aside for God and JoJo encourages us to dedicate our homes, specific rooms or areas of our homes and our families to God.
We can pray a prayer of Dedication as a family and Peter and JoJo pray their own prayer of Dedication for their recording studio. [READ MORE]
Peter and Jo Jo
For More --> https://www.berrybunch.family/s03e005-solomons-prayer-of-dedication-family-prayer-time/
Today a black page has been written in Italy. The Italian Constitutional Court has confirmed the constitutionality of the vaccination obligations imposed in recent months through which it was prevented from working, from eating, from entering public offices and through which, as you know, I lost my job. For them everything is fine.
S05E049, Evolving Traditions, Andy B 2 Minute Video
We’re always trying to make life just a little easier for ourselves, aren’t we? Well, mostly anyway! And, as we age and mature (again, mostly) we discover things that don’t work, and things that work better.
But how are you with change?
Personally I enjoy needing to change things – it stops things getting boring. It means I have to rethink things I thought I knew, or was certain of. It also helps me remain flexible.
As a family we’ve learned how make videos of the material that we have been inspired to create! We didn’t learn it from a book, or at a college. We simply did it, assessed it, adapted it and rinsed and repeated that. At this stage we’re mostly happy with the quality of what we’re now producing. But we never stop planning, or looking over the work we make, and looking where we can improve what we’re producing. [READ MORE]
Andy B
For More --> https://www.berrybunch.family/s05e049-evolving-traditions-andy-b-2-minute-video/
S02E007, Wedding and Wine, Story Time with Dave the Dog
The first story on this new series of the show we meet Jesus at a Wedding, and he does something amazing – Jesus turns water into wine.
What do you think Dave thinks of that?
Well, put it this way, Dave the Dog just can’t quite get his head around it and wants to know how to turn water into wine to make it himself! Admittedly, Dave does not like wine himself, but like Jesus he wants to make it for others!
The BerryBunch
For More --> https://www.berrybunch.family/s02e007-wedding-and-wine-story-time-with-dave-the-dog/
S05E048, Are Titles Needed, or Not? Andy B 2 Minute Video
Titles can help us in many ways because they can instantly help us understand the function of the person we are talking to, or interacting with. And titles in churches are just as important.
If I’m honest I think the title ‘pastor’ has been thrown around far too liberally because if I’m talking to a pastor I want to know they’ve been chosen to lead the church, and have preferably been to theological college. Sometimes it almost feels as though we’ve taken that position of leadership, and made it into some form of participation award.
God judges those of us who teach, preach and lead churches far more harshly – the standard to which we must hold ourselves is much higher - so we need to ensure that we don’t water down the standards God has already set. [READ MORE[
Andy B
For More --> https://www.berrybunch.family/s05e048-are-titles-needed-or-not-andy-b-2-minute-video/
#TestimonyTuesday: You’re greater than you think you are
Today’s testimony is really a testimony of just how good God is, and how faithful He truly is.
It speaks of God’s handiwork over the course of nearly 3 decades!
The BerryBunch
“You’re greater than you think you are”
It was the summer of 1996 and I was getting ready to graduate from the PAIS Project (now the PAIS movement). I’d spent 12 months working out of a Pentecostal church in Droylsden, Manchester (UK) who provided me with a home to live in for the year with a church family. I, in turn, provided help with the youth work for that church. Monday to Friday was the PAIS Project and we mostly provided assemblies in Primary and Secondary Schools around East Manchester. Sometimes we’d also give lessons to schools too, and we also supported many lunch time clubs (Christian Unions). [READ MORE]
Andy B
For More --> https://www.berrybunch.family/testimonytuesday-youre-greater-than-you-think-you-are/
S05E047, Old v New, Andy B 2 Minute Video
“Everything new must be better”. This must be the mantra on anybody involved in selling anything – that the new thing is better than the old because it is newer. But as we’ve seen with new and old version of the same cars this isn’t true.
Also, just because we can doesn’t mean we should. Marmite Easter eggs? No thanks!
When we think about styles of worship in churches, it’s easy to relegate robes and spoken prayers as so old fashioned and, therefore, no longer relevant. And yet robes worn by a minister can be tremendously helpful during a funeral – it helps the minister deal with the grief of a family; dog collars are a great way of assisting your local vicar visit you in hospital. It’s just a helpful bit of uniform! And it keeps you warm in a colder or draughty church: just sayin…[READ MORE]
Andy B
For More --> https://www.berrybunch.family/s05e047-old-v-new-andy-b-2-minute-video/
S02E001, Wedding & Wine – Dave Unleashed
Dave the Dog is back with a new series of his very own show. In this first episode, Dave gets up to his usual funny antics, but don’t worry JoJo is there to keep him on track – well, mostly!
In Dave Unleashed you are treated to a Dave the Dog Story Time and Art Time with JoJo. And Dave encourages us to watch the story time again and get our “Art on!”.
Story Time
The first story on this new series of the show we meet Jesus at a Wedding, and he does something amazing – Jesus turns water into wine.
What do you think Dave thinks of that?
Art Time
For art time, JoJo shows us how to make jug spinner. Join Jo in turning a simple picture of a jug into a jug that looks like the jug is holding water one minute and wine the next – how cool is that!
Dave the Dog and the BerryBunch
For More --> https://www.berrybunch.family/s02e001-wedding-wine-dave-unleashed/
S06004, What Doesn’t Kill You… Endurance
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger is the theme for this week’s episode of Endurance.
Endurance is your weekly spiritual workout, whether you think of yourself as a beginner, an intermediate, or advanced!
Go Deeper
In GoDeeper this week, Steven starts off by attempting to educate us on the history of the expression: “What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.” After which he explains that although running strengthens bones, it can be associated with some serious injuries. Steven gives an example of one such injury, relating it to how we can learn from suffering.
Steven also explains 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 as best as he can. He points out the writer of this passage, Paul, likens Christians to fragile clay jars with treasure inside. That treasure is the gospel. Despite all of the suffering that Paul endureD [READ MORE]
For More --> https://www.berrybunch.family/s06004-what-doesnt-kill-you-endurance/
Fire up your faith with the BerryBunch - This is who we are. This is what we do! For free, for all!
Creating digital material - to encourage and inspire families, all around the world, in their Christian faith; supporting, equipping and resourcing the Church in it’s Global mission.
The BerryBunch