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Thank you DingDashers! I am writing my next book and sometimes I need a mental break. You guys are helping me break away from writing and giving my brain a much needed break!

Where are the children! Do they have food to eat? Is there any chance of them catching the 'flu' ? How will they survive in the rural villages, where medical facilities doesn't exist? When will they be able to attend school and continue their studies?

We’re looking forward to getting back to our regular, weekday, Live Broadcasts Prayer times – at our new time of 7pm UK (3pm EDT) on our Facebook page, from Monday 24th May 2021.

We take 10 minutes to pray for things in the world, and work through prayer requests we’ve been sent: we’ve been honoured to pray for people all over the world.

So, if Prayer moves mountains, what’s your mountain that you’d like us to pray for?

Or, putting it another way, what mountains has God already moved for you that you can share with others to encourage us all.

Whether you’d like some prayer and don’t know how, or do know how and need extra prayer input – or you want to share an answer to prayer, you can do so via our Contact Page, through Facebook Messenger or Instagram Messenger, via DingDash or Patreon, or even our YouTube channel.

The BerryBunch


Morning DingDash family - what are you lovely people up to today?

I've so far had a lovely earl grey tea in bed, and catch up chat and prayer with the lovely Jo (her work pattern is lates, so mornings are flexible).

Our 3 boys working away wonderfully together as usual on their Home Ed studies.

I've got some emails to reply to - for a new Christian Home Ed group I'm trying to start up, and some posts to write and schedule for our website (as we get ready for two new seasons, and restarting Live Broadcast daily prayer times).

And today I start recording the music and words for Song Time element in Season 4, Little Blessings Online; adding Christian lyrics to well known nursery rhymes....if my brain functions as I need it do today (more tea will aid that, after a few nights of not so great sleep for reasons neither of us can fathom!). Then Jo can add the actions next week.

Andy B

How do you deal with days that 'dont go your way?

I'm finally - at nearly 16:30 - sitting down with my bible, large mug of [not so hot anymore] tea and a notepad in the Garage (a 1 car garage previously converted intro an entrance hall). Just had a mad dash to bring the washing in as the rain settles in for a spell.

Feeling a bit lost today, so hoping God can help me become 'unlost'.

Boys, bless them, are busily working away at their studies :-) - we really do love home educating them, 'cos we get so much time with them, and are privileged to be able to help them with what they're learning.

Andy B

We love prayer and hope you’ll join us.
We’ve taken a little break from our Live Broadcast daily prayer times.

We have missed these really special times, and plan to be back for more Live Prayer Sessions, at our new time of 7pm UK (3pm EDT) from Monday 24th May, 2021.............

To read more visit the rest of the blog on our website -

The BerryBunch

Busy, busy

I’ve spent a chunk of today creating some graphics and a draft advert for a new project we’ll be launching, God willing, this coming Autumn.

While I’ve got plenty to do preparing for our next, and coming very soon, seasons of Endurance and Little Blessings Online, I also sometimes need to switch to something different............. read the rest of this blog post, visit

Andy B

i'd like to point out that isn't my desk ;-) Mine is much tidier :-)

although the 2 cans of Krongenburg 1664 in the image does make for a very nice beer!

Andy B

How's your day so far?!?

So far, I've been shopping with Jo, reattached some trim to the car, got out a load of washing on the line (I'm always very happy when the sun and wind dry our clothes!), sorted the filtered water (as in filled all the water bottles we use with water from our filter, and topped up said water filter - due to REALLY bad limescale here!), topped up the screen wash in the car, made the bed and tidied our bedroom, sorted the router so it is a little happier letting us acces it for the internet!, made 4 cups of tea for Jo and the boys, cleaned the kitchen, got a second load of washing in the machine, emptied the dishwasher and reloaded it, and tidied up the shed a's only 1220 and I'm aware I've done quite a bit already today!

This afternoon we have a cream tea planned (clotted cream, then jam, but of course!!)

Andy B

The world can only offer a tiny piece of peace occasionally, but our Father God gives us everlasting Peace!

So where's the church?

Lockdown craziness has affected us all. Truly, the world will never be the same again!

I’ve seen churches face the challenge head on, and do the very best they can to continue to build God’s Kingdom where they are. They delivered food, supported local charities – even setting up new ones, knocked on doors to check on the vulnerable, set up telephone chains for support, posted DVDs, cassette tapes and CDs of services to people with no digital access............

Read the rest of our latest blog article at

Or search our website for "So where’s the Church?"

Andy B

God is so good! My son (age 7) is at the hospital emergency room right now due to experiencing nausea after having a fall while using a pogo stick. We are praying and trusting that he will recover quickly and be just fine. But, I felt to share on here because of God's goodness. My son uses his pogo stick at home frequently and doesn't wear a helmet. This evening my husband took him to an event where he planned to use his pogo stick. They had started out when he thought of getting his helmet. They debated whether to return home to get it and decided it would be safer to have it. He was wearing the helmet when he fell. If he hadn't had the helmet it could have been so much worse. God is so good! I believe He placed that impression on my son and husband to return for the helmet.

Finally able to see and hold my new granddaughter!! What a blessing - a beautiful gift!
Thank you for praying for her safe healthy arrival.

As you read the Word of God today, read it with expectancy and anticipation for the changes it will make in you. - David Jeremiah

The BerryBunch (and Jo's birthday cake - didn't have 50 candles, so just used every one we had instead :-) )

What a fantastic day, finished off with watching "The King and I".

Andy B

"Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves."
Philippians 2:3 NLT

It is not great men who change the world, but weak men in the hands of a great God. - Brother Yun

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