A Brief Pause with Andy B, 30.05.2022
Psalm 23 v 6
Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the LORD forever.
Andy B
It’s good to check in with God during the day, so take a brief pause every hour or so and reflect on this quote/image.
#abriefpause #justsaying #justathought #p4t #wordsofwisdom #pauseforthought #dailymotivation #berrybunchfamilyfive
For More--> https://www.berrybunch.family/a-brief-pause-with-andy-b-30-05-2022/
@ccoutreach87 The platform does not have any restrictions related to posting, however all individual users have full control over whether or not they block another user.
It’s usually good to post things other than links from time to time, it increases to human interaction and helps to guard against the impression that you are a bot.
Another Sunday evening and another batch of home made lemon curd 🙂
Always a pleasant thing to produce - since it's so very simple! And it smells fabulous too!
Andy B and the Berry Bunch
#berrybunchfamilyfive #lemoncurd #homemade #homecooking #kitchen #baking #lemons #traditional
Endurance, Do as I Say, Not as I Do, S04E012 (Season Finale)
On this the last episode of series 12 we are discussing hypocrisy.
Endurance is your weekly spiritual workout, whether you think of yourself as a beginner, an intermediate, or advanced!
Andy B starts this week’s GoDeeper with a prime example of hypocrisy, in which someone balances precariously on a ladder which is balancing on two tables and says, “don’t do this at home.”
He draws our attention to the Pharisees of the Bible who were very hypocritical, so much so that Jesus called them ‘white-washed tombs’. They knew the law like the backs of their hands but did not live it out.
Steven and Nathan discuss hypocrisy – what it looks like, where it comes from, examples of hypocrisy in the Bible, and more. [READ MORE[
Steven and Nathan
Family Prayer Time, Drinks, S01E14
Peter & JoJo get together to encourage us, as always – to pray as a family. And they continue their series on using objects or photographs of objects to help us stay focused in prayer.
This week, JoJo & Peter continue to inspire us into praying for different countries, nations, or places in the world by using, this time, drinks associated with a particular country.
Peter and JoJo encourage us to think of a drink -wines, spirits, or beers – that make us think of a particular country, like tequila might make us think of Mexico, Vodka may remind us of Russia and France is known for their Champagne. JoJo wonders if we might have an empty bottle we may have kept as a souvenir, so we can just hold the bottle in front of us as we pray.
With a photograph of Guinness in front of them Peter and JoJo pray for Ireland (Eire). [READ MORE]
Peter and Jo Jo
For More --> https://www.berrybunch.family/family-prayer-time-drinks-s01e14/
Marriage Matters, ‘Let’s get physical’ Part 2, S01E018
In this week’s Marriage Matters, Andy B and Jo do some more straight talking about sex in marriage – ‘Let’s get physical’ Part 2 – still focusing on the good stuff and the benefits!
Jo recaps from the last episode and both Andy and Jo realise that they covered quite a lot, including, how we need to talk about sex openly, that we need to be careful what we watch.
The Take Away
Andy and Jo both reiterate the importance of sex and the benefits within a marriage between one man and one woman.
Andy B concludes that God has a best plan for sex, that there are loads of obstacles to having sex in marriage and that we need to make sure these obstacles are not ones that don’t need to be there.
Jo, as promised, reveals her favourite sexual moment in their marriage, well two or was it three or four!
Andy and Jo
For more -> https://www.berrybunch.family/marriage-matters-lets-get-physical-part-2-s01e018/
We have had to face many storms together. Even today, in 2022, we are facing a really heavy one. We can testify, however, that God has never left us alone and has never abandoned us and that nothing and no one will ever be able to separate us from the love of Christ.
We place our entire life in His glorious hands and we are confident that God has a wonderful plan for us, and that He meditates for us and also for you who read, thoughts of peace and good, to give us a future and a hope.
To God be all the glory for all that he has done and that he will still do for me and my wife.
I pray that this testimony will be edifying for anyone who reads it and that it will also put in your heart the desire to know Jesus and to let him enter your life.
God bless you all, in Christ Jesus.
Brother Antonio
After my conversion, other young people also came to Christ, even those friends who had brought me to the church elder's home. God sent a real revival in the small evangelical community we frequented. Many young people, who had attended Sunday school since childhood and were children of believers, when they saw what God had done in my life, they too began to seek the Lord with all their hearts and God also worked in their lives. How wonderful are the ways of God!
So I immediately began to serve the Lord with zeal and strong conviction. And in that same community God also made me meet Anna, a dear sister in Christ with the same desire to serve the Lord, and who later became my wife. Since then we have served the Lord together with all our hearts.
I love the simple, unpretentious beauty of rolling green hills. With a luscious field of grass below and a textured overcast sky above, this scene was just too good to miss.
1/800th sec, F4.0, ISO100
#Photography #Field #Grass #CapturingBeautyInCreation
© 2022 TakeN Photography
60 Second Update, Issue 15
In Case You Missed It
New Series – A Brief Pause with Andy B
Andy B publishes an image and quote to help you take moments to pause and hush during your day.
Endurance – Do as I say not as I do, season finale
Steven and Nathan discuss hypocrisy, exercise, faith and life.
Family Prayer Time – Composers
Jo and Peter lead us in prayer. This time they use the idea of composers to help focus our prayers.
Coming Up
Marriage Matters – Let’s Get Physical, Part II
Sex in marriage has become a 4 parter. Here’s Part II, with Part III also coming up soon!
Andy B 2 Minute Videos
As usual, in two minutes Andy B, gives us some encouragement and wisdom. Just a thought!
Keep in Touch
Don’t forget to sign up to the monthly Newsletter, or Weekly Round Up – so you don’t miss out on anything!
The BerryBunch
For more --> https://www.berrybunch.family/60-sec
Andy B 2 Minute Video, The blinking cursor of possibilities, S04E079
I’ve finished another book writing project.
I’m pretty thrilled about it, but when I say I’ve finished, that’s just the initial editing. Next up is my middle son – Nathan – who follows behind me cleaning up any spelling mistakes or grammar issues. He’s a star!
After that it’s simply down to finalising the cover while waiting for the foreword being written by a friend, set a date for publishing and away we go!
As I was sitting there looking at the last text, on the last page, I thought about the other books I’ve got stacked up, ready to write.
I love the little blinking cursor on the page of a brand new book, because it reminds me of endless possibilities.
So, where in your life is God wanting you to look further down the road, rather than just a your feet. He cares about your present. But He cares even more about your future... [READ MORE]
Andy B
For more --> https://www.berrybunch.family/andy-b-2-minute-video-the-blinking-cur
A Brief Pause with Andy B, 26.05.2022
Psalm 23 v 4
Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me.
Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.
Andy B
It’s good to check in with God during the day, so take a brief pause every hour or so and reflect on this quote/image.
#abriefpause #justsaying #justathought #p4t #wordsofwisdom #pauseforthought #dailymotivation #berrybunchfamilyfive
A photo of my computer screen
This represents the end of another writing project for me, having concluded the bulk of eiting on my second book
Now waiting on number 2 son to catch up with my progress as he proof reads and corrects spelling/grammar stuff.
I already have my next book open with the blinking cursor of possibilities before it
Andy B
#book #berrybunchfamilyfive #writing #author #creative #accomplishment #nearlythere #progress #comingsoon
@faith20 We are 80 miles from there. Prayer is the biggest thing now. There has been so much help materially that no more is needed for the moment. Pray for the families. Pray that God can use this to draw some hearts to Christ.
I worked for twenty years in primary school. Reading news like what happened yesterday in Texas breaks my heart. 💔 I pray that God will console the hearts of the families of those little children. I have no other words ...💔 💔 💔
@Berrybunchfamily It went very well, Andy! Thank you so much for praying!
Are you tired of me rattling on about healing? It is funny how we have often regulated healing to a sideline of Christianity, a kind of option for Christians with more eccentric tastes. But the goal of the Gospel is to heal the world. Healing is the heart and soul of the Gospel.
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:16
Not perish-live instead = healing
A Brief Pause with Andy B, 25.05.2022
Psalm 23 v 3
He renews my strength.
He guides me along right paths, bringing honour to his name.
Andy B
"There was a husband and wife who served many years in the ministry as missionaries in a far away land.
As they returned to the States, the arriving ship was greeted by a brass band. Their initial thought was that this was an arranged greeting to honor them -- but soon discovered that a dignitary was also on the ship.
They collected their luggage and booked a cheap motel room. While sitting on the bed, the husband started to cry and said, "We've served God for many years. We've got no money, no house, and when we've returned home, there's not even anyone to meet us!"
His wife looked at him and said, "Hon, we're not home yet!"
Urgent help needed in Bangladesh! 57 dead and two million displaced. Tens of thousands homeless. BTJ sending aid to our missionary partners now
Fire up your faith with the BerryBunch - This is who we are. This is what we do! For free, for all!
Creating digital material - to encourage and inspire families, all around the world, in their Christian faith; supporting, equipping and resourcing the Church in it’s Global mission.
The BerryBunch