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A wonderful weekend making new friends, well meeting old friends thanks to DingDash - with @tanjaostman, Johan, Edvin, @StevenBerry @TakeN , Peter Berry and Jo Berry

A lovely, and far too short, weekend

Andy B

The power of love for Jesus - An English family letting a Finnish family stay in their home and sleep in their beds. @daniel summed it's baffling, unless you know Jesus, and then it makes perfect sense.

What a truly fab time to meet DingDashers in person

Thanks to @Backtojerusalem and @sinbach and team for creating DingDash and making the world a much smaller place, and yet a much larger one too 😊

Andy B

Safe onward travels @tanjaostman and family

@Berrybunchfamily @tanjaostman @StevenBerry @TakeN The Holy Spirit really makes the love that we have for one another grow and overflow and this is a great example of that! Our love of Christ unites us in a way the world doesn’t understand. Kudos for the display of hospitality and a desire for fellowship when most people would only be focused on self gratification. Would love to meet you guys sometime in this life!

A wonderful weekend making new friends, well meeting old friends thanks to DingDash - with @tanjaostman, Johan, Edvin, @StevenBerry @TakeN , Peter Berry and Jo Berry

A lovely, and far too short, weekend

Andy B

Praise the Lord ! For it is good to sing praises to our God; For it is pleasant, and praise is beautiful.

Psalm 147:1

Interesting. Who knew!!

So what are your favourite flowers then?

Andy B

@Berrybunchfamily @tanjaostman

It is good to meet brothers in Christ from various parts of the world. God bless you all. 👍😁

We're loving meeting and hosting @tanjaostman and family

From the digital world of DingDash to our home in the UK

And they're even lovelier a family than you think when you get to meet them in person!!

A short weekend is too short because the three of them are so enjoyable to be with.

Andy B

A Brief Pause with Andy B, 24.06.2022

Obey the Lord your God and follow his commands and statutes I am giving you today.

Deuteronomy 27:10

Andy B

60 Second Update, Issue 17

In Case You Missed It

Andy B and Nathan have been working hard on the website for the past couple of weeks. They have given it a fresh look; they’ve updated the videos, reorganised the navigational systems, and much more.

Coming Up

Andy B 2 Minute Videos

There will be more of Andy B’s 2 Minute Videos for you to watch, packed with challenges and encouragement for your day.

Also Coming up

You can expect another of Jo’s weekly blogs, where she takes a scene or quote from the Lord of the Rings and uses it to convey a powerful Christian message.

The BerryBunch

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It's time for our next Sunday PLUS episode - on Sunday 2nd July, 2022.

We've been working our way through the book of Proverbs, in the Old Testament and, with a little more help from Dave the Dog, Jo and and Andy B will look at what this amazing book - and this chapter in particular - can teach us. So far we have folks from the UK and Nigeria, so you'd be very welcome to join in, no matter where, or when, you are in the world.

Also, we're not fussy on ages either - family is a big word, and so you'll be most welcome, whatever your age, whether you're married or whether you have children or not. This is suitable for all ages and experiences of Jesus and we're as global a family as God is!

We Livestream Sunday PLUS simultaneously on Facebook and YouTube, so you can choose which platform works best for you, but we always aim to begin promptly at 5pm (UK) so don't miss us!

Andy B, Jo Jo and Dave the Dog

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I finally beat my 40 minutes ride time for my regular cycle 😁

Didn't even feel close to death either so a win win.

Sure, it's only half a minute faster than last time..but it's also half a minute faster than last time 😁😊😌

Andy B

Butter, Salt, Blending and Standing Out! Andy B 2 Minute Video

Bilbo Baggins is something of a hero, if you know anything of Lords of the Rings. And there is a line he utters which is wonderfully descriptive!

He mentions about how tired he has become, and he likens his tiredness to ‘butter spread over too much bread’. To be fair to Bilbo, he had long gone past his natural oldest age, but that description paints a great picture of how life can, sometimes, feel.

The bible tells us that, as Christians, we should stand out – like salt does in a meal. It describes how when salt loses it’s saltiness it is useless and is only good for throwing out & being trampled upon.

This isn’t good if you think that, as Christians, we’re supposed to live quiet lives that never offend anyone. Actually, if everyone you know is happy with you, you’re probably getting it wrong by not living a faithful enough life! [READ MORE]

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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 23.06.2022

You can fight change, or you can embrace it, but that doesn’t mean surrendering what you believe.

You can’t change what is. You can, however, change what will be!

Andy B

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