New interview from Project Veritas.
Not sure how to turn the photo upright, but I found this song from an old childhood folder. In looking through the songs, I see in a new way how much these songs influenced my understanding of life. What are we giving to our children that will shape their lives? What are they reading? Listening to? Watching?
@tanjaostman @Bereonb2020
For those who have taken it, God is greater! He is able to save and protect. But, when it comes to those who are remaining or when it comes to boosters, etc. Please, let's be careful and really hear from the Lord. If He wants you to take it, do so with His peace and confidence. But, if not, please stand firm. There is so much that is strange about this jab. Stay alert and keep your heart and mind attentive to the Shepherd's voice.
some updates on our website and material creation of late!
we haven't disappeared. we are still here - but our website is having some bigger issues (with our hosting company)
so if it goes offline again, it will be quite possibly, semi-permanent - we have a solution, which we'll put in place in the next 36-48 hours and that will resolve things in the next week or two (hopefully much quicker!)
with recovery from Covid, and some other stuff, we're not working at our optimum right now
on top of prayers for Covid (we're mostly past that now, just getting our strength back), could you pray for the website stuff - it is stretching my brainpower, quite a bit, and has caused us quite a bit of stress when we could do without that
@Olamide A fear-busting song, declaring the Word! Thanks for sharing.
@ChristieLeanne The Father cares for these women. ❤ What a blessing that you are pouring your heart and your gifts into these souls so dear to the Father's heart.
@ChrisHarrison This is wonderful! What a powerful impact will be made!
Pray!! 15,000 books I wrote in the first person from God's view to lost peoples ciew, meant for the unreached are being published and dispersed in 15 days. Laos/thai/ & Vietnam. 5K in each country. Thirty days later 15 K books on divine healing going to the all three nations to underground church in Laos and Vietbam. And 5,000 will be sent to every known church/pastor in Thailand. They don't have thai books on spirit filled subjects. So excited. Finally. 15,000 more books in all three countries divided evenly on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Dispersed with our network in Vietnam and Laos. In thai, it will also be going to the 5,000 known pastors/Churches to help them get filled with the spirit and walking in the healing anointing and the gifts of the spirit. Pray that our funding for 45,000 books will he finished. 15,000 a month for three straight months. Pray the books get to their targets where God wants them to get to and that lives are changed forever. Saved, healed and filled!!
I'm just a regular person. My first book "Untouchable" about the total defeat of Satan on the cross of Jesus Christ and sold about a thousand copies since its been released. But selling it is definitely not my passion. God gave me a word about preaching and writing about the gospel to : as many people, in as many places in as many ways as possible" and he went on to say "making diaciples of all the nations as faith rises in their hearts through the seeds of this gospel revolution.
@Olamide People of the ding! It has a ring to it, kind of like a bell! I like it. Yes, Merry Christmas!
Where I live, we first celebrate Thanksgiving. It's a very special holiday to remind us to be grateful to God for any and every gift He has given us. Many people have taken God out of it and want it to be about being thankful without having anyone to be thankful to. But that makes no sense. How can there be a gift without a giver??
@weavers4jesus Praise God! You were coming to mind so often. I've found that often happens when someone is in need of prayer. It's good to have these specific ways to agree with you in prayer. God bless, keep, guide, and provide for your every need. Your work is certainly very dear to His heart.
@weavers4jesus Thinking of you and your family. 🙏
Thank you friends of #BTJ for trusting us with sharing the Gospel also about taking care of physical needs of the believers.
Our Agriculture farms (small scale) and farm based businesses are doing very well, by the Grace of God!
We are not perfect yet, but aiming for excellence.
Though we don't follow "Perma culture, Agro forestry or No till farming and any specific methods ; we are blessed to see God restoring the soil and giving 100 fold yield.
We were able to buy dozens of hoes and spades for our associates. Seed saving programs are huge success in forest villages.
@tanjaostman Wow. It looks like everything is covered in glittering crystals. Beautiful!