@DevotionalTreasures Such a beautiful and powerful verse-one I can plant deep within me.

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🙏Urgent Prayers Needed 🙏
guys, as soon as I arrived back in Dubai, I had several messages from our team in North Korea.
They are begging for food and supplies. Things are REALLY bad right now inside North Korea.
I will be posting more details soon, but for now.... pls pray.

@bethany “Father, Nigeria is one of the nations You have assigned me to intercede for. While it appears evil is winning against children, I know You reign supreme. You are Lord over Nigeria and Boka Haram. You love the people of Nigeria, even those who participate in evil. I ask You to change hearts and call those who are evil to repentance that leads to salvation. May they realize that You love them with an everlasting love. May they realize their deeds only leave an empty void within them. I ask, Almighty God, to intervene with the greatest extent of Your mercy, grace, and protection for these children who are so vulnerable. May You provide a way of escape for these precious children. Activate the angelic hosts to show themselves mighty and fearful to those who would try to kidnap or even kill the children. For those children who have been kidnapped, open the door for rescue or escape. Protect them from murderous intentions. Preserve their lives for the glory of Your kingdom. Amen”

@DevotionalTreasures My dear friend, you are spot on with your scripture, but please allow me to pray for you. I, too, look forward to the day when we have our new bodies and the discomfort(s) we currently experience will be a thing of the past. “Jehovah Rapha, I come to You, knowing that You are the God who heals. My dear friend, whom I have never met, nor do I know his name, is suffering. You, Lord Jesus, went about healing all who were sick and afflicted. In the authority of the name of Jesus, I rebuke joint inflammation, arthritis, and any other issue that is presenting itself in his body. I bless his joints and thank You for the body You blessed him with. May You apply the Balm of Gilead within those joints and cause freedom of movement to take place. Let Your healing manifest within his body so he may continue the work You have for him to do. I give You thanks, praise, and all glory for Your marvelous deeds. In Jesus’s name, Amen.”

May the Lord go before You and prosper every word from your mouth. May each word you speak find a resting place in the heart of those who hear.

@His_story @ByGraceAlone
Season 2 of the Chosen is even better than Season 1. Of course I loved Season 1. Three episodes of Season 2 have been released. They were awesome. Looking forward to the other episodes. What a wonderful tool for evangelism and just to enjoy a faith-based series that is so well done.

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Father, You’ve put on my heart over this last week to intercede for every member of this group, as well as those needs which You have placed in their heart. I ask You, Father, to keep Your wall built around each person; that no areas of the wall will become weakened by fatigue, discouragement, anxiety, or even satanic attack. May this group be strong in the Lord, trusting You in all things and at all times. May we go about the Father’s business with expectation of joy in what doors You will open for us. May we join together in love for You, Abba, and in love for each other. May You anoint each person within this group with a burning desire to share the gospel, to heal the sick, to make disciples! May we be obedient to every command You instruct us to do. May we not grow weary in doing good and allow Your joy to be our strength. Father, it is a privilege to link arms with my fellow brothers and sisters on this site. Bless each one. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

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This week in Egypt, terrorists posted a video showing the execution of three people. One of them was 62-year-old Coptic Christian, Nabil El-Habashy.
His crime? Helping to rebuild a church.


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@lynnexxa Watched Episode 1 of Season 2 tonight. It was fabulous. I loved it. I pray others will discover this amazing series. The Lord will speak to the heart of anyone who watches it.

@DevotionalTreasures Beautiful! Not familiar with their music but I’m glad to add this group to my list of musicians I listen to!

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Please pray for us. Oppression in China can feel heavy at times


O LORD, our God, how majestic is Your name. The nations rage against You as they seek to destroy Your faithful church. While I can’t fathom the terror they are encountering, I speak Psalm 91 over them. I ask that Your miraculous hand will keep the believers in Myanmar as invisible against the hoard of the enemy. Father, raise up Your banner-LORD MOST HIGH. Dispatch Your warrior angels to come to the defense of these precious brothers and sisters of ours. Help!! Your word says You will never allow the righteous to beg for bread. I beseech You Lord to feed, protect, and strengthen that which remains. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

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@MaryMamuzich @tanjaostman @farmerjohn Love this! We don’t have chickens but many of our friends raise them. We partake of the fresh eggs! We live in the country (although people have built by us now) and we have lots of critters who visit-rabbits, opossums, raccoons, squirrels, ducks etc) My husband has to keep me from having a farm to take care of them-lol!

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Major dust storm blew in from Mongolia today! It was off the scales for the air quality monitors. Bad is 250. Today was 1899! Orphans from an orphanage we go to said children with respiratory issues needed to be on oxygen and one was rushed to emergency.

I have a dear sister in the Lord who served in a restricted nation. Years ago as we prayed together, she spoke being the “ring in His finger.” It struck me then and I have held it close in my heart since. There is a passage in Jeremiah 13 where he references the waistband clinging to the waist of a man and how we (and Israel) were made to cling to Him. Such powerful imagery.

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