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@Burza meaning storm in polish. Welcome on board another Cracow house churches member 🔥 💪

@tymektt @katzarzyna @annarbanas @mieszo

Christians' ability to speak biblical truth is at risk in Finland due to an overly broad hate speech provision in Finnish law. In a stunning case, a Christian member of the Finnish parliament, Päivi Räsänen, has been charged by the Finnish prosecutor general with three counts of "ethnic agitation." Each count relates to Räsänen's respectful expression of her widely-held Christian beliefs.

We have cheaper alternatives !!! A friend's group went to a river and dipped a dozen plus new followers. It is not possible in mixed communities. So small ponds and streams are convenient.
Somehow we want to see a Glorious Body of Christ spreading across Asia!
We are 'pregnent' with souls, please pray for natural birth and multiplication of churches among all unreached people groups.

Doing our first tour together next month!
The book is coming out on International Women's Day and Mariam Ibraheem's testimony is going to take the church by storm and inspire believers around the world.
Can't wait.

Amazing food. Irreplaceable friends. Unforgettable memories.
BTJ ambassadors come from all over the world to support the vision of the underground house church and our annual gatherings have forever impacted my life.

There is a 🔥Bible Revival🔥 Taking Place in Asia, Middle East, and Africa. People are more hungry than they have ever been. ✞✞
That is why we are more focused that we have ever been to get the Bible into more hands than ever before. 🙌 🙌 🙌
2022 is the year of the Illegal Bible. 🗡
Join us in prayer as we support, smuggle, and distribute the World's Most Banned BOOK.

@Olamide Very interesting topic! I've experienced situations where there can be a feeling of "friendlessness" and yet so many ways to "serve", so many events to attend, and so much money to contribute. And yes, friendliness is not the same as true friendship. However, I don't feel right to sit back and to criticize or complain. I'm wondering how I can make a difference. My local group has so many good qualities, but I still feel something is missing in this area. Is it my own insecurities? Is it the environment where everyone needs to appear to have it all together? I've had times where I opened up and then felt awkward, judged, or misunderstood. Maybe I then felt less safe in being open and real? Maybe I need to get over my own fear of being misunderstood and be a leader in the area of authenticity? I do strive to be genuine in life, as a friend, and as a child of God. I also want to grow as a true "listener". I can't be everyone's close friend, but I want to be a true friend.

We have been having many cool adventures on mission with Jesus across the US! Join us in Tombstone today!

A truly disturbing turn of events in Canada with a law banning conversion therapy which has wider scope to punish Christians for reading/teaching from the Bible in public or even in church

@faith20 We can become used to the words and fail to ponder the power in what they are saying. What a wonderful truth, what a wonderful love, what a wonderful God, that He sent Jesus to remove our sin and make us clean and accepted in Him!

I pray the pastors & Christians will stand strong in God’s laws from His Holy Bible! This battle is raging! Jesus warned we would be hated! It will only get better when the Lord Jesus returns to rule, that is our hope!

Looking forward to sharing in Sweden today at a church that has been a HUGE supporter for BTJ and has really helped our family in China!

Sabina - The Movie

If this is anything like the first one "Tortured for Christ" it will be epic!

"Dance 🕺 like no one is watching!
BUT write emails and text messages as if they will be read in court one day. "👮🚓

Thank all of you for your prayers for our family. losing Debbie left a big hole in our hearts - that only God can fill. praying God brings His comfort to all of us. too many families are losing loved ones due to hospitals denying medicines that could save their lives. our church has lost 5 people to covid in 2
weeks - all were put on ventilators.

these families and our church need prayer

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