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The spiritual condition of the region we are passing through is somewhat like this.
Praying for breakthrough. Few team members are recovering from 'seasonal flu'. We tried to show the Vaccination certificate, which we bought last didn't helpπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜„πŸ˜€πŸ€£

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter @Cherishingsparrows2020 @Kruselady
Amen!! It's amazing when you read things as this in the Bible but seeing it in your own life is thrilling!!
The Lord will guide and protect you and the team. His desire for his word to go out and your willingness to be a hard working faithful servant is a team that can't fail.
God will hide you safely in his arms.
I'm always praying!
I'm so many miles away but my heart is with you all

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter @Cherishingsparrows2020 @MaryMamuzich amen. That is one thing I pray especially for children, that God would visit then in their dreams and to give them good dreams of Him

"Let it be a rule of your life to visit the Bible and the throne of Grace every day."
Happy Monday!

@Berrybunchfamily My husband is starting a new job today as well! So, we too anticipate a change in our daily rhythm, starting this week. Differently than you though, we aren't adjusting to a new house.

@Cherishingsparrows2020 God never seems to lead us to doing things by half measures!!

I'm glad, actually, as it forces us to make lots of changes. Change can be very good!!

It's been really hard to simply stop getting up at 10am, and going to bed past midnight, so we can all be a family as much as possible around Jo's working rhythm.

But God is good!!

Today we all were up by 0730. Even me - since I went on a range of medication after my heart issue, it's been really hard waking up and starting the day.

I didn't exactly jump out of bed, but there also wasn't my usual heavy grogginess I've struggled with this morning - Praise God!!

Andy B

Please pray for the 'Gypsies' / Teny dwellers of the world!
(Representative picture from open source).

@MaryMamuzich @Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter Yes, thank you for the prayer requests and updates. What a blessing to have the Holy Spirit to guide in prayer and in life.

@MaryMamuzich @Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter @Cherishingsparrows2020 @zephan @tanjaostman @VeritasDomain @bethany @sinbach so wonderful to serve a risen Savior and that the angel armies are warring in the heavenlues on our behave.

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter thank you for sharing!
My life is in a peaceful area... I've not traveled anywhere that life does not look pretty much like my own.
Sometimes, I wonder how God can use such a person as myself who knows so little about the lives of so many. I've suffered trials in life but I have freedom.
I'm grateful for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in prayer.

Our hot water making machine is keeping us warm. Night time there was electricity with proper voltage to recharge our phones. Parked our vehicle inside a walled campus and visiting places in Motorcycles. Comparitively good village roads.

Heard encouraging stories, how previous teams blessed these tiny churches through various training they imparted.
One young lady had a dream , in which she saw herself acquiring a new skill through the visiting team. Now she uses that income generation skill to support her family and local house church.

Thanks for praying.

I teach the Bible at a Christian high school. Today is the anniversary of the holocaust liberation day. So, I showed my students the video on YouTube.

My students asked
Teacher why are we watching this holocaust memorial video? It’s so depressing.

Because I worship a Jewish man who just so happens to be the King of the Jews.
Because I worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Because I worship the Holy Spirit who the Jew also acknowledges as Ruach HaKodesh.
Because I want to remember that God still loves His chosen children and has a plan to build them up again.

Let’s love others the way we love ourselves. And love ourselves rightly with integrity and honor for our Creator.

For those asking about episode 2 of the πŒπ€πŽ'𝐒 π‹πˆπ“π“π‹π„ 𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 podcast series - why Mao Zedong was so powerful and influential in his war on Christians:

Thank you all for your prayers, and some of you have sent private messages asking how we are doing! I appreciate this DD community! ❀️ Even if we tested positive yesterday, I've had symptoms for 8 days. It hasn't gotten worse, so I see it as a good sign it won't get worse later. I've got the same mild symptoms as when I have the common cold. Not even ache in my muscles or throat. Just coughing when I'm laying down.
My son has lower fever now, so it's going in the right direction.
My husband, who lives a very healthy lifestyle with lots of running and skiing, has been more tired than usual and has the same sensations in his throat - but he's been working all the time (he works from home). I tried to encourage him today to work less, and focus on getting rid of this first. We are having vit C, vit D, zink, echinacea, herbal teas, raw honey, lemon water, chaga and maitake mushrooms (in capsules), breathing essential oils from a diffusor. Tomorrow we will get colloidal silver.

@Toddkapper Lord, please be with our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. Prepare their hearts, draw them to yourself so that no matter happens on the surface in their life and nation, that a great peace the comes from the heart of Christ to their surrendered heart will be their stabilizing force that keeps their souls calm in the midst of chaos. Impart much wisdom and give them clear minds to know and discern what You know they should do. Thank you. AmΓ©n.

@Pablito @Toddkapper Thankyou for remembering our brothers in the Ukraine πŸ™

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