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@sinbach @bethany
Plus his father, who is 80 and still preaching, was imprisoned and persecuted during the Communist times. Most of his brothers and sisters are in ministry. A plethora of podcast material. Here is a link to an impromptu, embarrassingly low quality interview I did back in 2006 with Andrei's father..
Remembering John Allen Chau and praying for the people of North Sentinel Island.

Please pray for a Friend who is very sick!
(Challenges increased after getting the Wuhan shots). TIA

My wife and I had a premature child (26 week term, now 4 weeks post gestation)
Baby needs a blood transfusion. Blood banks, while asking Vax status and supplier, claim they are not sorting donor blood and you cannot request 'clean' blood. (free from mRNA and graphene oxide)

We NEED a type O negative donor for our son, anywhere within the continental US, who is:

Not vaccinated for covid
Blood Type = O negative
No serious disease
Willing to donate blood

Those joining us in prayer for the nation of Iran need to be aware that Honor Killings are a massive problem.

This BTJ video came up on a random search. Brother Yun is so right! We truly need this.

Please pray for leaders who are ministering in the midst of and , etc
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Rom 8:31
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

BTJ just finished hosting our annual Hackers Conference.
Just WOW❗
This year we had hackers from all around the world meet up in the Middle East and dream of the newest ways to invade the enemy's territory with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and set the captives free.
This is a Great Day to complete the Great Commission.

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