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Hard working Filipinos remain poor, watching the people of other nations in the region get rich. Revolutions come and go in Philippines, but the old villains -- corruption and political oppression -- remain intact, preventing Filipinos from making the great leap forwards from poverty to riches.

This happens for a familiar reason: every new regime uses the old mechanisms, which they had challenged before assuming office, to advance its own interests rather than the interests of the people at large.

The Philippines is a country rich both in natural resources (e.g., nickel, copper, gold, silver, and chromium), and human resources (close to 104 million people). But it remains poor. The Gross Domestic Product per capita in Philippines was last recorded at 2639.90 US dollars in 2015,
That’s just 21 percent of the world's average, and well below the per capita GDP of such neighboring countries as Indonesia and especially Singapore, which has become a rich country.

As you spy out the promised land before you and the so-called 'giants' what do you see in 2022? Read Numbers 13-14. Promised land or wilderness? Faith or fear, doubt and unbelief? Joshua spent much time in the Tabernacle and then was called to lead!
(Photo credit and art from Pinterest)

@erdenpilger @faith20 That's the same desire the disciples had - they asked Jesus to increase their faith. (Luk. 17:5-10) Jesus answered by telling them about servants and their Master. The servants' task is to obey and serve the Master, do what he is supposed to do. Obeying Jesus is to have faith in him. Jesus also says that if we are being faithful in the small things he will give us much. So, let's obey him in the littlest things in our lives, and if he can trust us in that, then he will give us more, which means, our faith will grow stronger. 🙌
Let's seek God, read and obey his words and ask God, where does he want me to be faithful today? Is there sin in my life that I need to repent from?
Let's put God first in our lives, in everything we are and do! 💖
Blessings to you! 🙏 From Sari in Finland

@mensajero Father in Heaven I pray your strengthening and grace upon your servants in Myanmar! The devil had come to kill and destroy.. but you Jesus came to bring hope, joy & peace! Bless the servants of Jesus! Strengthen your servants- Lord. Help your servants to forgive their enemies !

On this day, 10 yrs ago, we packed and moved within a day!

we literally started packing in the morning & finished by the evening. An environmental health officer stated we had no contract due to raw sewage coming through the kitchen ceiling. The landlord had served time for attempted murder so had police support too to protect us.

That that was first of 3 house moves within 2 1/2 years, all aided (and/or urged) by environmental health officers and the police - due to the worst of bad landlords that we'd managed to end up with!

We move in 8 days time,but from a nice Home,with plenty of time - to a new life, and new job for Jo, to a totally new area of the country

Oh yeah, and Jo was pregnant and we'd had to rush to a local hospital due to her falling seriously ill, suddenly - to discover her symptoms was caused by our lovely little Peter making his presence known (he was the size of a grain of cous cous) :-) That's one way of discovering a precious pregnancy.

Andy B

With our Ambassador's meeting coming up soon with partners flying in to meet from around the world, we decided post this great interview about the BTJ vision.

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