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@tymektt @Olamide Here in Illinois in the USA we are near $5.00 a gallon. We haven't been out yet today could already be there. I'm glad that my Father owns the cattle on a thousand hills and He takes care of me

Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus I ask you to bless all my brothers and sisters in Christ who are on Ding Dash.

You know their life, their challenges, their fears, their problems and everything else in their life.

In the name of Jesus, deliver them, O Father, from all danger, give them the strength, the grace, the help of angels and everything they need to do Your will faithfully.

Comfort, Father, through the Holy Spirit, those who are discouraged, heal those who are sick and protect everyone.

May your powerful love continue to reign in the hearts of all of us, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

(Representative pictures) .
Miraculously we found a 'carrier' to take Bibles to a new 10/40 window Nation.
Word of God is powerful, abundant sowing is mandatory, no compromise!!!

@Olamide how are the gas prices in Nigeria bro?
I've missed your posts!
How is life on the front lines of the Kingdom?

@Olamide @tymektt You and your team are bold as lions. 28 souls added to the Kingdom is a reason to rejoice! As they share with others, even more will be saved. Praise God for His protection of you and the team. I am glad to know you are careful to be led by His Spirit. He knows when the time is right to travel and when you need to stay clear of the danger.

Facebook blocks account of African Christian Mother that was persecuted for her faith.
For posting about persecution of Christians.
FB's timing is oddly just before her book is to be released.
Let's help highlight her story even more by sharing it with others.
If you have an account on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Parlor, Gab, etc - please share this article on as many platforms as possible.

Oh, Hello's Me..
Praying for you: We won't fail Father God in our generation, amen!
- Hope you are doing well ❤️

Such a dream week with my son and his girlfriend with us in Stockholm.

We’re a praying people. Jesus is still the healer!
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Isaiah 53:5 But He was pierced for our offenses,
He was crushed for our wrongdoings;
The punishment for our well-being was laid upon Him,
And by His wounds we are healed.

He is healing us all. We only need to believe it and receive it. Be blessed! God is alive and working from within you.

Pray for the precious innocent, refugees. CMM members Justyna and Rafal Swiatek are in Poland and their church is welcoming and sharing Jesus. Many are in tears and need HOPE! Read our latest update here. Pray and as the Lord leads give today to help urgently. Many are in tears and need HOPE!

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter so, so sad! Praying for all. I pray for the killers that their hearts may be touched by Christ and they become soldiers of the gospel. I pray for the families of those that were killed - may they rest in Christ.

BrotherYun sharing his weekly food ration with a serial killer. Leading him to Christ.

Pray for a team planning travel around the Island encouraging believers to fulfill the Great Commission.

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