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BTJ is providing thousands of hand-cooked meals to refugees.
A BIG THANK YOU to all of our loving supporters who make this possible.

These Ukrainian Christians are my heroes. Most people would be scared to death if they would be in the same situation - in between two Russian frontlines. They don't deny reality (they are in contact with the military). And they don't deny the Biblical reality.

@sarikorpi @Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter Are you able to share the name of this book?
This is indeed a challenging matter. One way that I've looked at it is that we don't hate or seek the hurt of others, but there is a time to defend against wrong. Those doing harm "know not what they do" and if there is a way to protect them from themselves and their evil intentions, some physical intervention may be justified. But, our true battle is not against flesh and blood. I believe there are so many variables and unique situations. What is right in one instance may not be right in another. Is the way we are responding representing Christ? Will it lead to the salvation of more souls? Is it wise? Or, will it lead to further harm? May we all be led by Holy Spirit and the wisdom from God's Word. Our hope is truly not in the flesh.
I pray for the physical healing of the individuals involved in the situation and also that even this seeming disaster will result in Jesus' glory. I pray wisdom for all.

@Lanka4Jesus @Olamide @Cherishingsparrows2020 I will go to the most powerful almighty God. May he surround the team with his angels and may His word blaze a trail before you. May the breath of the Holy Spirit slay the enemy and prepare the hearts of the lost souls to receive God's salvation. God peace be with you in all strength and boldness.

@Lanka4Jesus understandable. May the Lord multiply the increase of your crops.

Come, let's go fishing! With Jesus who said 'I will make you fishers of men' !

Our people need Jesus, who claimed that He is ;
The Bread of Life !
Giver of Living Water (John 4)
Good Shepherd
True wine

The Jewish economy was dependent on farming. They prospered in every walk of life.
Please pray that our nation may return to the creator and prosper.
The believers will become role models for the Nation.

@sinbach Thank you for giving me an insight of the movie, it did help me to better understand your point of view.

Yes, I have watched the movie (maybe those other in the series too..?) in my youth, sometimes in the 90's. So when you brought it up and to refresh my memory, I went and read the story from the net. 😅

I have in my youth watched SO many movies, too many!, and most of them that kind of which I'd rather forget!

I found Jesus (or better said, Jesus found me!) when I was 23-years old. Since then I haven't had the thurst for the kind of movies anymore which don't build up my faith or have something that I can relate too. I have realized my time is too short and valuable - I have already spoiled too much of it! - so now I just want to use it wisely. 🙏

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter Dear Lord, bring your healing to those injured and recovering and help those who got arrested! Amen. 🙏

Recently a House church gathering was interrupted by a non-Christian political party. Police arrested few youngsters including the Elder.
However, when women were harassed, some young believers manhandled the attackers. We felt that, we failed to mentor those young believers in sound biblical principles.
Pray for those who are injured and recovering.

@Russ and the medical team have been busy giving sight to the blind, in the name of Jesus, in Panama. They have been stuck for a while due to civil unrest.

18 So when the Syrians came down to him, Elisha prayed to the Lord, and said, “Strike this people, I pray, with blindness.” And He struck them with blindness according to the word of Elisha.

19 Now Elisha said to them, “This is not the way, nor is this the city. Follow me, and I will bring you to the man whom you seek.” But he led them to Samaria.

Please pray for friends who are traveling

@tymektt alot going here in Nigeria. Fuel high in most places.
Missions and Evangelism is going great...His Kingdom advancing.
We were in a predominantly Muslim village last week for 3 days...28 Muslims were part of the souls won to the Lord ...on the 2nd day, thugs with guns came and interrupted our meeting after the sermon!!!!!!!!......tried intimidating us...Very exciting!!!!!
My Team says we should go back there next month!!!!!!
GLORY to God!!

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