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Kruselady boosted

🙏🏼 12 Days of Christmas Prayers 🙏🏼

Today we pray for Pakistan. Pakistan holds a special place in the heart of BTJ. It is the nation where the first BTJ missionaries were martyred.

Join together with us as we pray for Pakistan and for the missionaries who continue to faithfully serve there.

Day 9:

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Any Keith Green fans out there? After years of self-teaching, by God's goodness, I was finally able to pull of this cover!

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🙏🏼 12 Days of Christmas Prayers 🙏🏼

ON THE TENTH DAY OF CHRISTMAS my Savior gave to me, a praying heart for the people of Burma.

Join us as we pray for the young Christian girls at risk and the Christian villages that are forced underground by Buddhists who would have them killed.

Day 10🇲🇲:

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🙏🏼 12 Days of Christmas Prayers 🙏🏼

ON THE SEVENTH DAY OF CHRISTMAS my Savior gave to me, a lamentation for the people of Somalia.

"In Somalia, children are starving, people are suffering, and the nation is constantly fighting against famine."

Join us in praying below:

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Lester Sumrall (1913-996)

“Good soldiers are watchful and alert at all times. Just so, the spiritual man, engaged in warfare with the enemy, through prayer keeps in touch with the Holy Spirit, laying hold of spiritual resources. All effective praying is done in the Spirit. We must pray, and pray as we have never before prayed. Divine intervention is needed for the difficult days that lie ahead. These are days when the enemy is hard at work. Only a...”

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Kruselady boosted

🙏🏼 12 Days of Christmas Prayers 🙏🏼

ON THE FIFTH DAY OF CHRISTMAS my Savior gave to me, a burning prayer for the believers in Iran.

"Iran has seen more believers come to Christ in the last 20 years than in the last 1,000 years"

Join us for Day 5:

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🙏🏼 12 Days of Christmas Prayers 🙏🏼

ON THE THIRD DAY OF CHRISTMAS my Savior gave to me, a prayer for the believers in Iraq.

Join us for day 3 in the link below:

Kruselady boosted

Please pray for the church in Sweden... fear of man seems to be bigger than the fear of God. We are only worshiping in our homes alone these days. I miss coming together in a churchbuilding with my brothers and sisters🙏💕

Kruselady boosted

@MaryMamuzich ahh! I will pray! especially that in 2 weeks we are expecting our first baby, a daughter 😍

Kruselady boosted

The Lord is creating my newest grandbaby! I'm so excited and so in love! Please pray for my daughter and baby as she has miscalculated twice before.

Kruselady boosted

*Miscarriage not miscalculated* gotta love auto correct! 🙄

Kruselady boosted

This breaks my heart. Here in the UK no one can even enter my home without my permission, imagine a group of men entering (carrying weapons) and forcing my family to leave. How can these families live in peace when their own homes are taken from them?

We are on severe lockdown in illinois. We are suppose to dovirtiual thanksgiving

Kruselady boosted

@Kruselady @Piquant
Indeed... Lord God bring your Holy fire of conviction to hearts bound in deep deception and sin. Bring the plans of the evil one to nothing so that those who are bound in his trap might call upon your name.

Kruselady boosted

Please pray for Brother Ren the translator of Brother Yun. They were on their last evening of tour in Sweden when he grew really sick. He has a fever and sore throat. He has had heart surgery and has a pace maker.
Thanks for the prayers.

Kruselady boosted

On the day we visited this church, late in the service I glanced around. At the door I could see 5 soldiers in combat gear talking - being so near the border I wondered if there was a problem. However nothing seemed amiss. A few minutes later I glanced around to see about 50 young soldiers around 18 years of age, then one by one they came forward one by one to take communion -it was one of the most moving things I have ever seen. Please pray for them and for their country of Armenia.

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Father, I lift brother Ren to you today, that he be healed in Jesus name. Raise him up

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My head hangs in shame before the Most High. These brothers and sisters know God more intimately because they fear God and take Him at His Word. They have found the One Who satisfies and quenches their thirsting soul and they will not let Him go.... no matter the cost.
"I want dear Lord a soul on fire for Thee."

Kruselady boosted

@Asianking this is a great idea! I'm praying it works out perfectly!

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