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Kruselady boosted

A few years ago abortionist Robert Santella threatened someone who blogged on Veritas Domain and that ended the abortionist career since it was filmed and went viral especially with the abortionist's demonic voice:

Kruselady boosted

Need lot of prayers !!!
We have decided to purchase water from the same people who are experts in creating 'storms in tea cups' !
Knowing that we are 'more than conquerors' in and through the one who is living in us.

Expecting the Dove to descend!
Chariots of fire to surround us !
In this war of setting the captives free , we may be led by the Spirit not flesh.
Amen ! 🙏

Kruselady boosted

Prayers welcome. My family and I are not feeling well. We've been hit by another round of Covid. Our first time was in November, 2020. This one is different, but also miserable.

Kruselady boosted
Kruselady boosted

Please pray for a young student staying in hostel. One of our associates Daughter.
For Divine strength and Heavenly protection from all the attacks of the enemy.

Kruselady boosted

Mrs.Kunnia lost her hearing partially. Please pray for her healing.
Wife of a senior partner, mother of 2 active teenagers.

Kruselady boosted
Kruselady boosted
Kruselady boosted

“Never feel sorry for raising dragon-slayers in a time when there are actual dragons.” - unknown

Kruselady boosted
Kruselady boosted

I have a friend in Shanghai. He’s been locked in his apartment for a long time. I think about three weeks now. Please pray that the people are released and set free soon. I’ve heard reports of some committing suicide. This is a common side affect of lockdowns. We’ve seen it across the world. Kids suffer the most. They get addicted to gaming and dads lose it on families, etc etc. Pray that Holy Spirit comes and invades those home with Massive Shalom bombs that give nothing it peace healing and Justice of the soul! Amen!!

Kruselady boosted

Please pray for these precious people. No one should ever be forced to live like this! Imagine being crushed to the point where suicide feels like your only or best option. God do what only You can do 🙏🏻

Kruselady boosted

@Berrybunchfamily @Olamide @MaryMamuzich @Cherishingsparrows2020 @tanjaostman @Kruselady

Thank you for your prayers from me and my wife too. God bless you all and give you all what you need in Christ Jesus.

Kruselady boosted
Kruselady boosted

Thank you to all those who prayed for Miss.Y.
Copying a message she sent to a team member.
"Hello Uncle,
Report is normal.
I just have to take medicine (for reducing the swelling) . Will have to visit hospital after three days".

Kruselady boosted

Our baptism tank is almost ready in that new secret location. Public functions are dangerous than before.

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Kruselady boosted
Kruselady boosted

Please pray for my husband this weekend he feels led to share the gospel with a few specific people. Thanks!! 🙏🏻

Kruselady boosted

Please pray for Miss.Y, student in a safe country. Father pastoring a Church and leading people to Christ in a hostile community.

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