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@Olamide this makes me cry! Since watching that clip I've not been able to get it out of my mind...and you and your family and others there. I can't imagine the horrible things that the killers must have gone through to become what they are today. I know you stay for the sake of our Lord and the gospel. You and your family are in my daily prayers. May the reason for the joy you have in your heart spread far and wide.
I ask Jesus to surround you and your family with His mighty angels and keep to safe!!
Hugs to you all!

@sinbach been there done that!! I now do it with my mom! She is 91. AND!!! My granddaughter is 19and loves driving in the mountains. Last year she got stuck in the snow and walked midnight!!! Crazy girl! No fear in that girl!.... sometimes no sense either🤣🤣

@bethany 🤣🤣🤣 I have NO idea!! I was kinda half listening to the news and not paying too much attention.... I don't know!! Too funny though! But!! The meat and brown gravy turned out and was good on mashed potatoes!

@Cherishingsparrows2020 I made only half... So I totally added the wrong amount of something! I'll try again later.

🤣🤣🤣🤣oh my goodness!! Yorkshire....crackers?!?! I have no idea what I did or didn't do!!! 🤣🤣🤣 Sooooo bad!!!

@sinbach looks incredible!! Planning on having one this week! Probably not as big as that one!!

@TakeN so beautiful. Amazing details of God's creations if we take time to really look.

@Olamide I disturbed me in so many ways!! My heart fills sick and words won't form in prayer. I cry to the Lord wordless and He hears me.
Plz move away from there.

@sinbach @tanjaostman @Cherishingsparrows2020 so... Does Minna have to wait until you've eaten your 5th or 6 the dinner??

0 somehow I miss your post... But this is hilarious!!

@tanjaostman @bethany @sinbach this is so pretty but I wouldn't want to play that part... I have the ability to choke on air and stumble over nothing! 🤣

@sinbach @tanjaostman I just looked it up and read she was killed for her faith... Is that true?
I love this, I'll have to read more on it.

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