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@sinbach Boy, you guys are having an emotional rollercoaster ride with these boys! One graduating, the other off to boot camp!! Hard on a parents heart!! I'm praying you to make it through all the sad and joyful tears!! I continue to pray for your boys - yes, boys - they always stay boys and girls - not men and women, in the hearts of parents...and grandparents!

@Berrybunchfamily I wonder if one stays on the perch to protect their territory? πŸ€”

@tymektt oh, wow! So green! Trees blooming too! So pretty! Our grass is still brown but showing a bit of green. Not leaves on the trees yet...BUT! No snow!!!

@sinbach I'm proud right along with you & your family! A huge accomplishment! Congratulations!

@Berrybunchfamily beautiful birds!! I haven't seen a gold finch in.....forever! So pretty!
I too, think of that same verse when I see birds in harsh weather conditions - a perfect example of God's faithfulness and love.

@tymektt congratulations πŸ‘ Good for you!

I read his book and loved it!

JOIN Us for PRAYER AT THE HEART OF NEW MEXICO, Saturday, July 23rd, 2022, 10am-4pm MY @ Sloan-Simpson Park in Corona, NM, INVITE Others + SPREAD THE WORD & PRAY We need Prayer Teams from ALL 33 Counties to come from ALL 4 Corners of the state and from N, E, W & S to meet in the center of NM for a solemn assembly/holy convocation, a day of prayer, worship, praise, communion and fellowship with ALL the saints of New Mexico!

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