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@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter yes, her house is spotless!!! She made a schedule for daily chores.
We were a family of 10 so she was a busy gal. She misses my dad everyday but she has a happy heart. Loves the Lord!!!

So....I helped my mom stain her deck today. I thought I'd have to go slow so she wouldn't feel bad if I got too far ahead of her! HA!! What a joke!! This 92 year old Wonder Woman is tough as nails! No rest with this gal!! 🤣❤️

@Lindseyay 4 is a fun age!! They can speak their mind well🤣
Happy Birthday, Sweet Darling!!

@sinbach oh, no!!! It says exactly what this country is doing....not all!!! We will not be afraid! We have the ability and authority from above to see in the darkness!!

Please pray. I just witnessed to a guy who's in a deep valley in this crazy life. Plz pray he surrenders his life to Jesus.

@Sonshine I'm sorry! My heart breaks with you. I'm praying with you. It's so hard when our parents get frail. May you feel the Lord holding you close. May you recall all His greatness in power & love. May your heart see all His past miracles. May your faith be strengthened to see all is in His hands. 🙏❤️

My Mother has a better day yesterday, thanks so much for all of your prayers. They are going to do an X-ray this morning.

There are expressed concerns about her 80 year old husband not being able to take care of her, I am trying to get moved down there, but they need more help now, & he insists he can take care of her.

He’s very overweight, walks with a cane & has a bad foot, can barely breathe with lung issues, but doesn’t want to admit he needs help. He is not a Christian, and with age he is getting more and more short tempered.

I am worried and fearful that this morning if he doesn’t agree to get some type of help and assistance coming into the home, THE DOCTOR MIGHT TAKE THE DECISION OUT OF HIS HANDS AND PLACE HER SOMEWHERE 😭😞

He can afford it, please pray he comes to his senses and does right by my mom. She has 2 little dogs at home that she loves dearly & they are one of the few things that brings joy in her life...I don’t want her losing that! 😭😭😭

“Please keep my elderly Mother who is 80 in your prayers. She is in the hospital for internal bleeding. She is also having pain and a lot of confusion. 😞🙏” — THANKS SO MUCH FOR ALL OF YOUR PRAYERS 💞 —

On the way to hospital to be with her, she is very confused and very upset with the nurses and doctors. She doesn’t understand what is happening, and they had to restrain her. 😭😭😭.

Please pray for all confusion to be gone and God’s peace to reign over her mind and heart. Jesus is the prince of peace, may she FEEL His presence with her!

I need to find a place to live closer to my aging Mother and her husband who are both 80 and struggling with health issues. I haven’t been able to find anything I can afford yet, and need to move beginning of September ... prayers are appreciated for the right place to open up!

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