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@Berrybunchfamily @Kruselady when the first roundabout was put in our town ppl didn't know how to use the and drove over the top like it was an opportunity to have a little off road driving in town. It was hilarious.

Andy B these photos is for you. One of the helicopters at the helibase. It's a company from Canada but has an office in Arizona.

I've missed everyone!! DD is like a life line in a stormy ocean! I've been out of internet and cell service fueling helicopters for forest fire. I missed you all - I prayed for all of you and send you all hugs!

Sisters and Brothers, I'd like to bless you with a song about christian martyrs. Composed by good friends from "Fisheclectic" band. Those folks are closely related to the team that made the first Polish edition of "The Heavenly Man". So...
This Sunday please consider Hebrews 13,3.

Love you guys: @sinbach @bethany @MaryMamuzich @Berrybunchfamily @Olamide @elasiewniak @dragonski

@tymektt @sinbach @bethany @Berrybunchfamily @Olamide @elasiewniak @dragonski this is so good!
I watched through tears for all involved - those being beaten and killed and those that have hearts without Christ. This fueled the flame of prayer. Thank you for sharing.

@weavers4jesus I read this when you first posted it and it has not left my mind. This is so tragic and heartbreaking. Plz post update when you can

PLEASE PRAY FOR THIS FAMILY~! And all the firemen, police , ambulance, medical and frist responders as they are traumatized also.
They were having a bonfire when the dad went to add gasoline to the fire as it was not starting. And explosion happened and the Dad, Mom, 1 year old and 4 year old girl, and 6 year old boy were all injured. The children and mom have life threatening burns and the baby just died after surgery.

We were best friends in Canada with 2 of the first firefighters that arrived on scene and have been in contact. They are taking it very hard.

@sinbach I can almost smell the pine trees and plants by the creek.

@Olamide God has put this in my heart and prayers since all those girls were taken a few years back. I never realized just how bad it has always been. My heart breaks for all involved: the children taken, the families, the teachers and those that are doing the abducting.
I join you in prayer.

@zephan I never read anything like this before. I never thought of the trap and dirtiness they feel they're in. God is so good. What a blessing to be the tool He used to bring Josh to the light of forgiveness.

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