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@Cherishingsparrows2020 @Berrybunchfamily
I didn't home school but sent my girls to a Christian school with about 50 kids. We had 4 teachers; they all had kids in the school and about 4 moms as aids - I was one of them. So, it basically was home school as we're were a big family. All the kids were ahead of the public school kids. Some kids that transferred to public school got bumped a grade ahead. No one fell behind because the classes were small.

@sinbach this gives me goosebumps!! I'll be praying for the hearts to be prepared for the gospel.

@tanjaostman I pray there are no clouds on Monday so the one hour of sun will be as bright as possible!!


The news, on the other hand, are these:

1) All over 50s are required to take the vaccine, workers or not. If they don't get vaccinated they will get a fine.

2) To enter supermarkets and pharmacies no vaccine is required but for everything else the three doses of vaccine that are controlled by means of the green pass are mandatory.

3) A negative test is required to go to banks, post offices and public offices.

Those who do not have any vaccines are not allowed to do almost anything.

Electricity and gas have risen by 50% and consequently everything else has soared.



I update you on the situation in Italy.

In beautiful Italy, the surprises are not over yet.

Before telling you the news, I will remind you of what is currently in force.

1) Healthcare personnel, police forces and teachers are required to be vaccinated in order to work. And the doses must be three. Those who do not have the three doses, for the Italian state, can also die of hunger.

2) All other jobs can be done with a negative test every two days.

@sinbach well, I just did the same thing!
I was like, what the heck does that mean? So off to Google I go....................... I was like, oh, that's how you spell that???

@daniel @neauoire @seaandsailor ....when you talk hardware ........I never know what you're saying- let alone understand if you're asking a question or stating facts🤣🤣🤣

@tymektt thank you for sharing this. So many hurting ppl! I pray the joy of the gospel penetrate the hearts of those blinded by the enemy.

@TakeN breath taking! What an awesome God we have! I'm glad you captured his beauty and share it with all of us.

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