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@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter Amen!! Boldness and courage in the presence of the serpent! A dry path through the raging sea! May God word flood the nations as in the day of Noah!

@TakeN makes sense.
I'm looking forward to your next photos.

@tymektt yes! Usually happens that way but nice to have on special days as today.

@tymektt those quiet evening together when babies are sleeping are a daily gift!

"We must not be surprised when we hear of murders, killing, wars, or of hatred....if a mother can kill her own child, what is left but for us to kill each other?" - Mother Teresa

@tymektt Happy Anniversary!!! May our loving Lord bless you with many, many more years together!

@TakeN excellent photos as usual, Nathan! "A handful" gives me the creeps! I like ladybugs! She looks like she's on a long journey. The grasshopper makes me want to go fishing!
You're an amazing artist!

@tymektt wow!! So very pretty!! We don't even have new leaves yet... Looking forward to seeing trees in bloom!

@sinbach I'm sorry life stinks right now! We all will be praying!!

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter I remember that faith journey! What a time of spiritual growth and intense way of getting to know our Savior better. He lead the way and still is the rock on which we stand! The Hand that shelters us in scary moments that make us bold! Ever 🙏 for all of you!

Happy 92nd birthday to this awesome mother of 8 who has the ability to wear so many hats to help, aid and comfort anyone within her reach!
Taking her shopping is a hoot! She's willing to try anything once and laughs so easily!
Mom, I love you beyond measure! I pray God gives you many more years of incredible health!

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