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My sister knows me well. She sent me a tee shirt that says, "Don't Tell me what to do, you're not my dog!!"

🤣🤣🤣🤣oh my goodness!! Yorkshire....crackers?!?! I have no idea what I did or didn't do!!! 🤣🤣🤣 Sooooo bad!!!

I don't have a eye for photos like you do but at least I got the object in the picture 😂

@Berrybunchfamily we received an early Christmas gift of tea and cookies. I'm not a big fan of Earl Grey but this brand is very good, very mild. Have you seen this kind before? It came from Seattle Washington.

Well we are in Washington state. Daughter just came back from health clinic. She has covid. Got ill on plane 1 hr out from Seattle. Pray for my daughter. She’s upset that I’ve been exposed and whole family. I just want her healed. All will be well but appreciate the prayers.🙏🏻 Please pray. ❤️

So my heart switched to a normal rhythm this morning...didn't know that until 2 hours later when the consultant met with me and told me it had

Heart rate was down

Blood pressure was up

Waiting on an ultrasound of my heart to check that out

So I'm probably gonna be on blood thinners, until I can be processed through an arythmia clinic to make sure I don't have a stroke in the meantime. Beta blockers to prevent my heart from going off on one again by keeping its pace lower. And blood pressure meds to bring that down

It spiked yesterday but didn't want to come down

With the heart rate reducing, it seems to be coming down on its own though...

They're hoping I should be discharged later today

It hinges on a slot happening for the ultrasound of my heart, which they've been waiting for for a while

They still hope I'll be discharged this afternoon/evening

Jo's taking me back to A&E (ER). My heart or chest seems to be doing funny things again.

Last time I went, for these same symptoms, they told me heart was absolutely fine and they found a mild infection in my lungs which they blamed for my symptoms

It feels more like the muscles in my chest are simply agitated, rather than my heart. I've checked my pulse a few times, and that has seemed ok.

Either way, they told me to come back to hospital if it happened again. it has, so we're going back very shortly.

Please pray for wisdom all round, and a speedy resolution.

I feel, otherwise, the best I've felt for weeks. Even the cough seems to have finally disappeared today.

Andy B

@KarlGessler @MaryMamuzich @Cherishingsparrows2020 @Olamide @faith20

Please continue to pray as the consignment of Bibles pass through narrow border gates today.

Please pray for one of our leaders daughter, who wants to attend a study program in medical field.
Almost 2500 USD per year.

On the way to Seeley Lake we had "road block" of crossing elk; a small herd of about 30. Fun to see!
I Love our Montana traffic jams!

Took my sweet mom to Seeley Lake for brunch today. Thank you to all how prayed for her carpal tunnel surgery. Still healing and doing little exercises.

Please pray for my company to win a contract over the next week. The guys and girls have been fighting hard and fair to procure this work. Been wracking my brain on how to keep all the great workers working before a few other jobs kick off. This win would really help.

This Sunday as you attend your home church, pls rejoice with us!
Another precious soul comes to Christ!

I NEVER thought I'd EVER buy doggie clothes - EVER!! But this Lil pup has not body fat and has very little hair! She has a never ending source of energy! A five mile walk for me is a ten mile run for her - dashing everywhere. So for Sally who lays on heater vents in our 75 degree house received her first winter sweater 🤦💗

@Lindseyay my husband and I had lunch in a small restaurant in Bigfork that had Yorkshire tea! It's very good!!

Just received these two pictures from the BTJ food distribution in Afghanistan.

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