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The news, on the other hand, are these:

1) All over 50s are required to take the vaccine, workers or not. If they don't get vaccinated they will get a fine.

2) To enter supermarkets and pharmacies no vaccine is required but for everything else the three doses of vaccine that are controlled by means of the green pass are mandatory.

3) A negative test is required to go to banks, post offices and public offices.

Those who do not have any vaccines are not allowed to do almost anything.

Electricity and gas have risen by 50% and consequently everything else has soared.



I update you on the situation in Italy.

In beautiful Italy, the surprises are not over yet.

Before telling you the news, I will remind you of what is currently in force.

1) Healthcare personnel, police forces and teachers are required to be vaccinated in order to work. And the doses must be three. Those who do not have the three doses, for the Italian state, can also die of hunger.

2) All other jobs can be done with a negative test every two days.

It's 15:30 here and the mountain tops are finally breaking through the fog! The rock cliffs are completely covered in snow. So pretty.

My little hydroponic window garden! A fun Christmas gift from a special person who knows I'm missing my garden.

@StevenBerry Happy Birthday!! God bless your day and guide you in all wisdom as you grow in faith and in the love of the Lord!

My sweet mom! She'll be 92 in 4 months. She has loved the Lord her whole life. She is a prayer warrior!!

@Rinati you've been on my heart and in my prayers. I'm wondering where you've been and what the Lord is doing in your life! Another words ... Where you been and how are you?!? ❤️

URGENT PRAYER - please pray for me and my sister -we both have severe covid pneumonia and have very low oxygen levels - we need a miracle from God to be healed. I am in the hospital and they keep trying to give me remdesevir and want to put me on a ventilator. I'm so very scared - please pray for me. my sister is being treated at home - she found a Dr that will prescribe ivermectin - we are waiting for it to arrive. we both truly need a miracle.

Dear friends, my daughter Eliza has cancer and I I believe she has taken the third jab. She got inflammation in the liver and the pancreas. Apparently, things are pretty serious with Eliza. She has some metastasis that is blocking the connection between the pancreas and the liver. They stuck a camera down her throat. I´m serious worried about the outcome. She is 36 year old, married and have two wonderful little girls 5 and 6 years old.

My puppy needed out at 0300 ,it was a beautiful stary -15F !!
Sally did her business real quick! Now at 0700 it's cloudy and -7 ...Sally refuses to go out🤣 this little pup is ready for summer!

I collect Nativity Sets - this is one of my favorite!
Merry Christmas to my beautiful DD family.

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