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I received 4 copies and the first goes to my favorite gal- my sweet Mom!!!

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Traveling to a location where the House Church Elder 'confiscated ' Bibles from families who kept more than 1 copy and gave to families without any!
Of course they have New Testament, however Lockdown for 2 years forced the local house churches to have a closer walk with Jesus.
Travel with us through prayer.

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Our baptism tank is almost ready in that new secret location. Public functions are dangerous than before.

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@MaryMamuzich thank you so much for your prayers! They were sooo timely! Nobody knew this, but just yesterday, my wife had to start using crutches to walk. Arthritis in her knees is now so bad that she can't walk without them. She has tried every drug, natural remedy, exercise, therapy, shoe, and even had minor surgery - but all to no avail. it looks like she will need to have both knees completely replaced.
And my youngest son....he is making the incredibly difficult decision of whether to go into military intelligence or a special warfare unit. he has already been selected by both, so now he has to choose. you have NO idea how much your prayers mean to us. thank you for standing in the trenches for our family.

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Who knew? The "X" in X-mas means Christ. It's a Greek letter; the first letter for the Greek word Christos (Christ) in the new testament.

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I'm again. What is so clear to the mind is so hard for the flesh...

Any sincere prayers are highly appreciated. May God bless you!

Check out “GO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN” from Snowboarders + Skiers for Christ on Vimeo.

The video is available for your viewing pleasure at vimeo.com/382035430

If you like this video, make sure you share it, too

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Jesus didn't suffer so I don't have to suffer. He suffered to show me how. 1Peter 2:21

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I am a mom of 5 children, ages 17-24. Happily married 26 years and believe me, I wouldn't trade any of it. I'm usually the last one to ask for personal prayer. I'm optimistic in personality and generally positive. But I'm asking for prayer tonight as I go to bed. My heart is so grieved over parenting. When they are young they step on your toes, when they are old they step on your heart. To be honest, I'm so tired of it. Pray I stay hidden in Christ, and not react out of my flesh. THANK YOU

"At this very moment, are you willing and able to take responsibility for your life and (if you do) stop blaming others and the world for your circumstances?"
Ken Keis "The quest for purpose" bk

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China has just proposed new laws to punish foreign Christians doing personal ministry inside China. We outline the specific laws that are the most problematic.

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Christians continue to be slaughtered in Nigeria. Will the Body of Christ stand up, speak up, and speak out? How long shall we continue in our long march of silence?

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I thought this was a good thing to remember when discussing politics..."Be careful not dehumanize the ones you disagree with. In our self-righteousness, we can become the very things we criticize in others." From Eugene Cho's book called "Thou shalt not be a jerk"

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Facebook has 48,500 full time employees. Do you know how they pay for all those workers? By watching you, listening to your conversations, and monitoring your browsing habits. That data is then used to market you and sold to big corporations. At DingDash we only have volunteers that believe in privacy, freedom, and the Gospel. We NEVER sell your information or share with the government. Welcome to the REBELLION

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