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Andy H boosted

A Brief Pause with Andy B, 19.05.2022

"Don't go to God with the list of To Do items you think He has failed to complete for you.

Be brave and ask Him for the To Do list He's got for you"

Andy B

Andy H boosted

MARIAM WILL BE SHARING HER STORY in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania

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Facing Toxic Relationships-Getting Free So We Can Love Fully!
Nancy Nichols, one of our dear CMM Ordained Ministers, shares-"The Bible is clear - there is a time to sever unhealthy relationships​​.​"​

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Andy H boosted

*Andrew (name changed for security) is an Afghan teenage believer from the Pashtun tribe with a death threat on his life to join the Taliban. During the US evacuation last summer he was separated from his family and fled Afghanistan which landed him up in Istanbul Turkey illegally where he was rescued by our own A n B couple.took Andrew into their home and have been working on getting him the documentation he needs to reunite with his family and go to the US for school. Last week while A n B were out in eastern Turkey, the police located Andrew in Istanbul, took him into custody and moved him to another eastern city in what appears to be a deportation effort. Andrew is currently in a city near the Iran border
Would you urgently join us in praying (and mobilizing prayer) that the Lord would intervene and rescue Andrew from being deported or abducted and returned back to A n B's home. Let’s pray that the plans the Lord has for Andrew’s life would be fulfilled!

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Is there ANY better day to listen to The Champion?? 🙌🏼
Happy Resurrection Sunday!

Andy H boosted

​Being With The Lord
​As sons of God mature in light of global chaos and darkness, 'we must share in His suffering if are to share His glory.' Rom. 8:17 Rejoice and grow through every trial! For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. Rom 8:14
Jesus is our high priest and chief intercessor.

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Andy H boosted

What are we doing? 😭
What are we guilty of?
5 nearly full-term babies found in boxes with Curtis Bay Medical Waste services.
Curtis Bay Medical Waste Services burns the babies to provide electricity to Baltimore.
Consider that! We Americans find it more tolerable to burn babies for energy than to open Keystone Pipeline.

Andy H boosted

We lack power in the Western Church today because many of us still struggle with believing God loves and accepts us. We fear retribution for failure and making mistakes. We cannot operate in power in authority when we fear mistakes. Why? Because no one has trained us in spiritual warfare, the only way to learn is to begin trying.

To become warriors for God's Kingdom, we must have a deep enough trust in God's grace to know that He will catch us when we fall. Only then will we have the courage to try and fail until we succeed.

My earthly father was gracious with my mistakes, which gave me the courage to try new things. Our Heavenly Father is much more generous than my earthly Dad.

Let's go do try things. Make mistakes and learn from them.

No more bleacher critics. We need missionaries and pioneers.

Heal the sick
Raise the dead
Cast out demons
As you go, proclaim that the Kindom of God is here

Andy H boosted

Dear sisters and brothers who are praying for Ukraine! I have received two long letters (last one yesterday) from an Ukrainian sister (through my dear friend and sister in Christ, Laura) about the current situation and their prayer requests for the country. The person who wrote the letters was happy to hear that I'm able to share them out to Christians from different countries here on dingdash. However, the letters are too long to share them here directly, but if you would like to receive them to your e-mail (or whatsapp, signal) I'm happy to send them to you! Please send me a message with your details and I will mail you.

Andy H boosted

[Isaiah 55:8-9, NLT]
8 "My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts," says the LORD. "And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.
9 For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.

8 이는 내 생각이 너희의 생각과 다르며 내 길은 너희의 길과 다름이니라 여호와의 말씀이니라
9 이는 하늘이 땅보다 높음 같이 내 길은 너희의 길보다 높으며 내 생각은 너희의 생각보다 높음이니라

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