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@sinbach thought so. Must be why you look so much like Caleb there

@sinbach this is such a great photo! (though it's also weirding me out... it somehow looks exactly like you, but also not like you 🤔)

@Olamide if that's not some Tuesday morning inspiration, I don't know what is 🐣

Bethany boosted

Studying the Bible is not for an education that merely brings self-gratification.
It is essential preparation for active deployment.

Bethany boosted

Great News coming soon! Pray as I meet with two different Governments! Jesus will be in those Rooms!

@TakeN I thought that, but assumed it couldn't be that straightforward🤦🏻‍♀️ I never get any of these right 😂

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

@MaryMamuzich British pudding bread 🤣 Well I thoroughly look forward to seeing all the different versions you come up with

@MaryMamuzich It's really kind of a pointless addition the more I think about it 😂

@Will @tymektt I'm not going to say that reference aged you, but that reference AGED you

@Will @tymektt I'm pretty sure our definitions of "good drinks" differ 😂

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