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Spring is finally beginning to spring! 😁 Love when the evenings are still light

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From time to time we get some people attacking BTJ and Brother Yun with these kinds of questions...
In this short message, @sinbach clarifies the story.

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🚨 Update from Turkey!
BTJ team had just come back from the ruined city of Antioch, where we were setting up quick-build homes for suffering families.

Read the report here:

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Would you like to get involved in humanitarian aid in Turkey?

If so, please check out the details here:

❤️ ❤️ ❤️

My grandfather recently passed away and it's been so nice to go back through old photos and old memories. For 40 years he would walk up to the local hospital every Tuesday and sit and pray with the sick people who had no visitors. Almost nobody knew he did this, but he served God humbly and obeyed Him quietly. There is no greater joy than knowing he is now experiencing the hope of salvation ❤️

Bethany boosted

At times the vibrations of heavenly holiness and love are tangible and strong when you meet someone. Today in Mombassa, Kenya I was blessed to meet then ordain Ann Ogola Owti who started this slum church with nothing 3 years ago and gives spiritual and natural food to 100s hungry for the love of God through Jesus. Whenever I got near her I would begin to weep and tremble the anointing of the chabad of the Lord opened the heavens. She is the first photo at top. There were 20 or so other anointed fury servants being ordained but Ann is remarkable.

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Bethany boosted


Second Great Awakening Change and Results

"Finney believed the gospel did not just get people saved, but it was also a means of cleaning up society. He and his followers worked to make the United States a Christian nation. Finney himself was a strong abolitionist and encouraged Christians to become involved in the antislavery movement... The Second Great Awakening had a greater effect on society than any other revival in America."

Amen, brother Finney. Amen.

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Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

Just finished watching the full Candace Owens and The Daily Wire documentary on Black Lives Matter. Would so recommend watching! Incredibly eye-opening.

"The media is the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and make the guilty innocent... they control the minds of the masses."

Bethany boosted

NEEDING YOUR HELP!! Our son, Alistair Shield Marquis, was born (SUPER EXCITING) but there have been some emergency complications. Appreciate your prayer! Please check out our note in this post and consider sharing!…

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Just booked my hotel for next week's BTJ conference! @sinbach See you in Royce City next Friday.

Bethany boosted

Heard a great message from Francis Chan this morning about the world's belief in subjective truth.

"I think one of the most destructive practices of this generation is you value your own thoughts way too much, when God says "My thoughts are not the same as yours."
And yet, you want to look inside and tell everyone 'your' truth - what you've been thinking and what you've been feeling rather than opening up the word of God and saying "these truths are way beyond mine. This is truth."

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Bethany boosted
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