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Bethany boosted

The early part of the day has been stressful, due to persistent headaches in the last three weeks I had a consultation at my opticians who has now referred me to my Neurological Consultant, the possibility being that my residual brain tumour may have grown. So now I am sitting waiting on a phone call which may not happen anytime soon from my consultant. In this I am not afraid, my Father God is completely in control. I would appreciate prayer regarding this.

Bethany boosted

I have to be honest, as I "briskly" walk the streets here, the anger of my presence is palpable and is made vocal with hisses and unintelligible comments, but the love of Christ is greater. Hate is the sign of darkness and the greater the darkness the greater the need for the love of Christ. The carnal mind rejects the idea of sacrificial love but the enemy's aggression against it is a testimony to its power.

Bethany boosted

My daughter, Lisa is out of surgery. She ended up being worse than the doctors expected. She lot a lot of blood and is having a transfusion, she had to have a total hysterectomy but her bladder is ok and didn't need reconstruction. (Lisa was praying her bladder would be ok) she may not have to be in ICU
Baby is doing well.
Thank you for sharing this burden and now sharing in the blessing.

Bethany boosted

Psalms 1:1‭-‬6
What delight comes to the one who follows God’s ways! He won’t walk in step with the wicked, nor share the sinner’s way, nor be found sitting in the scorner’s seat.
His passion is to remain true to the Word of
“I AM,” meditating day and night on the true revelation of light.
He will be standing firm like a flourishing tree planted by God’s design, deeply rooted by the brooks of bliss, bearing fruit in every season of life. He is never dry, never fainting, ever blessed, ever prosperous.
But how different are the wicked. They are like chaff blown away by the wind.
The wicked will not endure the day of judgment, for God will not defend them. Nothing they do will succeed or endure for long, for they have no part with those who walk in truth.
But how different it is for the righteous! The Lord embraces their paths as they move forward while the way of the wicked leads only to doom.

Last November we held a workshop with Brother Yun called Bold Faith. Now it's time for 💥BOLD FAITH 2.0!💥

Mark your calendars for MAY 1 and MAY 2!

If you'd like to be involved or find out more info, follow the link here:

Bethany boosted

For those that wondering about @Olamide, and where he had gone, he's asked me to let you know he's been in hospital these past 29 days. He's had two major surgeries, and is now home - let out on Good Friday.

Can you join me and of pray for his full, and complete, recovery! He needs to take things easy for quite a while.

I wanted to say more, before, but didn't until I had spoken with him - and got his permission to share this.

I think @MaryMamuzich you were one of the ones asking after him, but I couldn't find your post to reply to it on his behalf.

I'll have another look in a minute...

Andy B

Bethany boosted

Philippians 3:10
And I continually long to know the wonders of Jesus and to experience the overflowing power of his resurrection working in me. I will be one with him in his sufferings and become like him in his death.

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

This Gramma is already for an Easter flight to Salt Lake City! I'm going to have fun with my 3 year old granddaughter...and I can't wait to see my brand new (healthy🙏)granddaughter and give her FuFu!

Bethany boosted

An update on my daughter Lisa.
I will be flying to Salt Lake City tomorrow. Baby will be delivered Monday the 5th instead of the 8th. Mother and baby are doing well. Please pray surgery goes smoothly and baby has healthy lungs and Lisa isn't as bad inside as doctors are expecting.
Thank you.

Bethany boosted

Praise God for His Goodness to men, that He can use us as His agents to bring Good News in these dark days.
Dear Father God touch all those reached today be it by kindness, prayer or Your Word. Let the Gospel Seeds of Love take root and sprout in each soul, bringing a harvest for Heaven to Your Glory. Amen. @bethany

Just had such an amazing morning on the streets of our town here in the UK. Our church went out to witness to people on this Easter weekend.
We have never seen people so open. People asked us for prayer, asked to take home Bibles, asked if they could come to our Sunday service tomorrow, and we saw several people receive Christ into their lives for the first time! God is SO good! 🙌🏼

Bethany boosted

This weekend I am 37 years old!😁
Thirty seven years ago on Good Friday night, in Livingston Salvation Army Church (Corp), Scotland, I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ. I remember how I wept at the mercy seat and felt such a release in my heart as the Holy Spirit bathed me in my Lord and Saviour's Love. That night I sang "This Is The Day" repeatedly on the way back to my college residence, only to be given a sobriety test by our watchful bursar who was sure I was drunk. I confessed that I was totally drunk, in Jesus!

Bethany boosted

I read this today and had to share. One day, William Booth was asked to explain the secret of his success.

"I will tell you the secret. God has had all there was of me. There have been men with greater brains than I. Men with greater opportunities. But from the day I got the poor of London on my heart and a vision of what Jesus Christ could do, I made up my mind that God could have all of William Booth there was.
The greatness of a man's power is the measure of his surrender."

Bethany boosted

In all things, this has become my prayer: "Christ, only Christ; no trace of I be found."

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

Christ died my death so that I can live His life. Christ has become my only reason for living.

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

The Chosen, first series about the ministry of Jesus and the first Christians, returns with episode one of Season 2. Easter Sunday!
Here is the new trailer. Get the free app; it is the superior way to watch the show.

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