Tara boosted

Is the Chinese church still strong or in a decline?

Also keep me in prayer. I had a seizure so I’m on
Seizure medication.

@sinbach thanks. I needed a break from social media. I closed all my google accounts and Facebook. There was too much negative news, conspiracy theories, and other stuff.

I need to change my email. Does anyone know how?

Tara boosted

Remember who your King is and what Kingdom you belong to.

Tara boosted

@messenjahofchrist There are SO many stories floating around. From the pope, to this, to the NYE letter, and so much more. Lord, give us wisdom to know what is true and what is a distraction.

Tara boosted

Hello everyone. It’s been a while. I was trying to take a break from Facebook and such.

Tara boosted

Wednesday in prayer calender 🙏🏽🗓

Maldives is a paradise.....closet to the Gospel! Withouth church or Bible. At least 3 books are translated into Dhivehi or Maldivian and there some missionaires and converted. They are strong anti Christians and supported ISIS publicly 💯 %
Today please, pray for Maldives. And if you go on vacations, please walk, swim and pray 🙏🏽

Tara boosted

@Asianking I was reading Proverbs. I was thinking about read ecclesiastics.

Hey God told a friend of mine to stock up on Food and mostly water for what is coming in November. Pray about it and see what God tells you.

Tara boosted

Pray for my beloved wife, she's having one of those especially trying days! LoL No really pray... Love & Prayers

Hey it’s good to post what is going on with Christians in the world. But post also the good. For example, Christianity in growing 8% a year! Islam is growing 1.8%. It from Jim Rutz who wrote his book Megashift. It is 15 years old but it a still a good read.

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