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davereimer boosted

Covid update

Thankyou to those who have been praying and/or sending messages supporting us since last weekend! I will try to find a way of explaining just how important those messages have been, when Im able to

My wife of 25 years - today - made me take a self test, which showed I am testing negative for active virus. Which is good. Because any damage is already done, and it can't make me any worse.

We're aware this is good news, but not the end of this story. We still have a cough, feel generally very rough, and weak.

And Complications can still happen. But a negative test is certainly an encouraging step towards health

But thanks for your prayers thus far. They're still needed.

Andy, Jo, Steven, Nathan and Peter - The BerryBunch

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davereimer boosted

I feel utterly dreadful. We've prayed against the virus in our home and bodies, to leave.

But God is still good, and while I have breath in my lungs I will yet praise Him...even if my lungs aren't in quite the happy place I'm used to!

I decided it's time to start seeing some improvements in our health....9 days in...I'm gonna keep hoping we're on the upward trend not the downward trend...

davereimer boosted

Woke up feeling much stronger and the foul taste in my mouth was gone.
But Jo and I do have a nasty cough. Real nasty!
But lying down makes the cough worse, and I find myself worrying about my breathing......not for the first time, but I'm nervous of breathing deeply in case it makes me cough even more.
Temperature fine one moment, then sweating the next, and back again.

davereimer boosted

Covid updates

Jo and I slept through the morning. And her cough is very much there.

I'm wrestling with a headache again, and temperature fluctuations

Haven't actually seen the boys yet...

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One of the most amazing people I have ever met. It was an honor to help tell her story. You and you church will NOT want to miss Mariam Ibraheem when she tells her story.

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Yesterday we had dinner with the boys and watched a film together.

Nd yet, today, Jo and I haven't been yet able to get out of bed.

We're both feeling much rougher today, not better - hoping this marks the beginning of the end of the virus, rather than sinking back into it

Today is also the end of our 10 day self isolation, and 7 days with very obvious symptoms

Feeling pretty broken today. Ongoing prayers would be most appreciated

Boys seem much less bad. Steven describes his current symptoms as like that of a head cold

davereimer boosted

The definition of freedom is the power to do the will of God. God created us for a purpose, and we will only be free when we fulfill that purpose.

Nobody "allows" us to do God's will. The only question is, "What price am I willing to pay to fulfill my calling?"

Sarah Lu suffered six years in Chinese prisons, including torture, for her faith. She still suffers today through the separation from her family, which she endures for the Gospel. But she is free. Nobody has hindered her worship and obedience to God. This is her story:

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I am new to Ding Dash, but not new to missions. I am excited to connect globally with fellow followers of Christ who have committed their lives to the "Great Commission." Please let me hear from you.

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With ajo and I both coughing last night, I got up at 2 am to go breathe in tea tree oil vapour...after 30 minutes of a string dose of that, I finally started to breathe without wheezing.

Am now utterly exhausted as I tried sleeping for a few hours on our recliner sofa, so I could stay a little more upright

Nathan couldn't get warm last night, neither could Peter. Nathie actually went off to bed in two jackets, a thick winter coat and hat!

Steven is just very low, with mild symptoms kicking his butt.

For all of us to be I'll at the exact same time, is simply not something we've ever experienced previously. It is making everything even more complex!

Ongoing prayers would continue to be very welcome.

davereimer boosted

@Berrybunchfamily We plead the blood of Jesus over you. “Who pardons your iniquities and heals all of your diseases.” Psalm 103:3. Heal this family, Lord! By the authority You have over all sickness through Jesus. Amen

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davereimer boosted

Painful sides when I blow my nose. I haven't coughed much, but when you do MAN is it agressive - it catches you off guard (I've been so careful to breathe through my nose as much as possible, although a runny nose has frequently kicked that one into touch)

Haven't had painful sides (from coughing) like that for MANY years

Steven has nearly lost his voice, and is feeling generally run down
Nathan struggling with temperature fluctuations
Peter is looking run down, and is very slow (we miss his joyous smile! :-( )
Jo is perking up a bit, but her cough, while pretty mild, is causing her upset

I even went outside to empty a bin...very slowly, and cos we couldn't get any more in it!!

I'm hoping these are positive signs, but I'm equally aware that good moments are followed by bad ones, so none of us are taking any improvements for granted

@tanjaostman tea tree oil is simply amazing! We will look into that room infuser thingy you mentioned at some point

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davereimer boosted

Praying we get some Freedom in Virginia! Thank you to everyone who has voted. Think about where you want this state to head restrictions and tyranny or freedom and liberty.

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Tomorrow (11/3) I will not be supporting businesses/big tech that are forcing mandates. Who wants to join me? 😎🙌

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Nathan seems to be sinking a little now - just a headache so far....Jo and I definitely have head cold symptoms now, with a cough we're just about keeping at bay

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Sorry. I live in the real world and it made me laugh.
God forgive me for laughing and be with the Pygmies in Africa.

davereimer boosted

I read my Bible today and it turns out - most of my heroes were criminals.

davereimer boosted

Utah is implementing a New Mobile Driver's License that some have claimed uses a social media scoring system that is similar to the one being used in China.
Is this true?

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