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Thinking of Christmas and Jesus' first coming often leads my thoughts to His coming again. This song by Joshua Aaron has been a favorite for years. HE'S COMING AGAIN! 🤴

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Tonight my son got home and was sharing his his feet hurt after a long day! His little daughter (only two years old) overheard him and said “ go sit down Daddy! I’m a doctor and I’ll help you”. She helped him sit down and then got her toy stethoscope and bandaids. And made Daddy all better!

Her love for medical runs in our blood. Most of us love solving medical issues for people and children that we see or deal with here in China!
I love moments like these!

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O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; For his mercy endureth for ever.
1 Chronicles 16:34 KJV
I am writing to you today to ask you to join me in our family tradition of remembering the lost and hurting. Each year, we take the amount we spend on our Thanksgiving dinner and give an equal amount to help those in need. This is an offering that pleases God and demonstrates our thankfulness to

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@Berrybunchfamily @KarlGessler @MaryMamuzich @Cherishingsparrows2020 @Olamide Now I pray for God's intervention. Don't be afraid, God is with you and will help you. God bless you.

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Jo's taking me back to A&E (ER). My heart or chest seems to be doing funny things again.

Last time I went, for these same symptoms, they told me heart was absolutely fine and they found a mild infection in my lungs which they blamed for my symptoms

It feels more like the muscles in my chest are simply agitated, rather than my heart. I've checked my pulse a few times, and that has seemed ok.

Either way, they told me to come back to hospital if it happened again. it has, so we're going back very shortly.

Please pray for wisdom all round, and a speedy resolution.

I feel, otherwise, the best I've felt for weeks. Even the cough seems to have finally disappeared today.

Andy B

@KarlGessler @MaryMamuzich @Cherishingsparrows2020 @Olamide @faith20

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Thanks to those who prayed for me. Sunday morning the pain in my stomach let up a lot. The CT scan showed that I have colitis. I was prescribed antibiotics.

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Rittenhouse acquitted on all charges.
Because of the Media reports, there was sooo much I didn't know.
I didn't know that Kyle put out a dumpster fire that was being rolled down to a gas station to blow up, with people all around. He essentially stopped a terrorist attack.
Because he was labeled as a white supremacist, I didn't realize that Kyle ONLY shot white guys - making him worse white supremacist in history.
I didn't know it is legal for Kyle to have a gun in Wisconsin, even at 17.
I didn't know that Kyle did not cross state lines with a gun. The gun owner did - legally.
I didn't know that Kyle shot Rosenbaum - a 5 time convicted child rapist.
I didn't know that Kyle shot Huber - a multiple violent offender convicted of beating women.
I didn't know that Kyle shot Grosskreutz - a convicted Burglar, illegal gun owner who aimed his gun at Kyle first.
I didn't know that the Police were told to stand down.
It is amazing how the media can effectively shape our opinions.

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30 minute walk under my own power today. Then, when Jo came home, I drove out to our local supermarket - which I really enjoyed...I've been getting a dry cough of an evening, but the Aircon sorted that straight away.... would've been useful knowing that a week ago!

Still, I'm getting slowly better, Jo is back to work, and the boys are back on their home ed

None of us is 100%, but we're all better than yesterday...and that matters!

Meanwhile, loads of Jo's colleagues are also going down with covid, many quite hard.

Thanks for your ongoing prayers


Andy B

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my latest post (and first for a while)

all to do with Covid, fear and God's perspective

Covid and The Golden Ticket

Take your mind back, and you might remember seeing the first signs that Covid-19 could well be a real issue, heading our way, like a freight train running along the tracks towards the edge of a cliff!

Scroll on a couple of years, and it is still making the lives of tens of millions of people difficult, at best. It has taken many loved ones from their family, way ahead of time, and it has created an abundance of fear.

We’ve seen governments, the media – and especially social media – capitalising on the fear of covid, to spread more fear for their own ends: as one doctor recently asked, where are the international campaigns, outrage and outcry about the dangers of eating too much sugar, or drinking too much alcohol: covid is indeed terrible, but there are other serious health issues out there too, which seem to have been forgotten about.

I’ve been having serious pain in my lower stomach. Having CT scan on Monday. Appreciate your prayers.

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Surprisingly, these three MASSIVE tech companies have UNEXPECTEDLY up and left China.
Here is why this matters -

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I truly want to thank everyone for their kind birthday wishes.
And to all my friends in Poland who came together and prepared a surprise birthday party in Krakow (even with a KETO cake)? I feel overwhelmed, humbled, and undeserving.
Nothing but love to you all.
My heart is full!

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This woman has been nominated to influence world banking and her proposals have the potential to make her the most dangerous person in the world in regards to Christian missions and most people have never heard of her.

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for the first time in two weeks, I actually feel like I am a bit better than I was yesterday

plenty of things going on in our family life, but we have (thanks for the praying), perhaps, made some progress generating something of a short term fix for our website (very technical and I had to get @TakeN wo work through it with me 'cos my brain just couldn't understand it all)

thanks to my beautiful DingDash family - you've been such a strength and support over the past 2 weeks of Covid. we've been humbled by multiple message of love, prayer and support

I've got 1 antibiotic pill left to to take today

Jo is back at work today, which - for her - means working from home until this evening. she still has a mild, dry cough, and is a little slow and weak

boys are back at their home ed, and Peter is doing a sterling job getting on top of some of the housework that has built up - he's loving helping his family out this way

i'm still in bed, but getting there

Andy B and the BerryBunch

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