@amarie I find peace, hope , & purpose in Jesus the Savior.. in God’s cookbook for life .. The Holy Bible!
@Olamide very good
@Olamide Excellent thx
@Olamide I pray God anoint the preaching of the Word of God & open hearts… I pray God guide and bless His work and his workers!
So if someone asks me do you enjoy Preaching...I would say...I enjoy the results of my Preaching.
Huh? Yes o!
I'm not the "I have fire in my bones...I must Preach kinda Minister."
I'm the "how do we reach these People with the Gospel kinda Minister."
So it's about what will work..how will the Gospel be promoted and Kingdom be advanced.
Going further...it's about results..making the difference...and not about Me, Olamide preaching..you get me?
For instance...In my teams, which Ministers are best Gifted/Graced for this particular outreach etc.
So I'm a Leader more than I am a Preacher...
@DevotionalTreasures very good
Back To Jerusalem / BTJ's
Reaching the Gulags
(30 Days of Prayer for North Korea)
In the West, it has been talked about in the congregations, daily devotionals etc., that it's just like "we take a pill from the medical cabinet" for our daily need, and then there is a sermon about that topic and discussions.
In other places, they literally need PILL BIBLES, pill-sized, motion-powered (!) Holographic Bibles to get the message out, this is what I call innovation and EAGERNESS to SHARE and, in many ways "devour" the word of God! (It CAN actually be swallowed, it was made like that! And it is motion-powered... wow... listen here:)
@Olamide It’s very hard for a man to stand tall without his wife supporting him! I pray God richly bless these Godly wives!
#Aquaponics They thought we are a bunch fools, when we introduced fish to the mountains. Actually they didn't know the truth, that we are a bunch of fools for the Lord!
They knew that fish won't survive the high altitude and cold weather, we knew the One who created the hills and the mountains also the fishes and the weather. So if something is working give credit to our Master and Savior Jesus Christ.
@Olamide I thank Our Lord & Savior that you Go! My prayer is with you .. i am honored to know a little about you.. I pray for your people…. That God will save many souls!
A couple of years ago, i sat with my Wife and got something major off my chest. The conversation went something like this:
Me: Babe...if I got killed in the Field..if i got martryed...would it be a shame to you ..or an Honour?
Babe...what if I head out..and I don't come back alive..how would you take it..do you ever think about this?
My Wife: (looking into my eyes and holding my hand)...
I have actually thought about it many times...the Children and I spend much time praying for you whenever you are in the field...Daddy will reach the People and come home safely!
And just know.... I wouldn't be ashamed if you died a Martyr...I would see it as a great great Honour!
What you do is very very important.. People must be reached!
......and by the way you ain't dying any time soon!!!!!
Me: (I didn't know what to say in response....just grateful that I Married Ndidi Olamide Adekunle) ❤️
Leaving home..heading out...it is as if I turn into another person!
Boldness begins to pump through my body and my mind... honestly...feels like I turn into a Super Hero... adrenaline high, abi?....or is it the anointing?
Those who have travelled with me...have mentioned how i am very very different once it is time to work.
And they begin to look for a way to define it... "you are an Apostle!!!!!"..."You are a Prophet!!!"
Wow!!! There's Power in Evangelism.... supernatural Power!!!
The high remains throughout the trip....I only sleep about 2-3hrs when in the field...and work we do!
Returning home...I become my usual ordinary unassuming self.
Looking back on work done...I am totally wrecked.
I have seen Lives changed.. Miracles.. Healings..I have seen Jesus work....and it is ALL JESUS....we are just vessels.
@Olamide I pray God guide you as you go to plant the seed of God’s Word! The harvest is His! I love Psalm 126:5-6 “ They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goes forth & weeps, bearing precious seed, shall doubtlessly come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him”. I pray God gives you strength to plant.. The Harvest is His! I pray for you & your work for Jesus to prosper through His Spirit!
@DevotionalTreasures …Very good
@Olamide Olamide..most excellent admonition & Bible teaching!
@tanjaostman @sinbach @bethany wonderful
@DevotionalTreasures … Excellent
@Olamide thanks Olamide .. I have missed your messages … you are in my prayers each day!! I pray God bless the people of Nigeria and you & your family and Church body!