@DevotionalTreasures Great
#all@dingdash. Going to Church ..seeing my Pastor Don Cunningham looking better, more vibrant , having some encouraging report .. you see he has stage 4 cancer .. taking chemo with it’s suffering! He is a strong entire Bible preacher ..telling it as it says it - preacher! Monday is next by-weekly chemo treatment treatment! Doctors are doing all man knows to do .. but only God can heal.. your prayers would be greatly appreciated!
@DevotionalTreasures Excellent
@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter @MaryMamuzich @Cherishingsparrows2020 @Kruselady @tanjaostman @bruster75 I pray the funds be released & sent to the need..& that God would sustain you!
@DevotionalTreasures Excellent
@weavers4jesus I pray Father God for your mighty hand to bless & guide the church of The living God in China & North Korea! To make a way where there is no way. To strengthen the Church during these days of intense persecution for believers of the Father , Son & Holy Spirit!
@daniel healthful
@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter Excellent
@sarikorpi Thank you for sharing this message in song!
"Saints of God sing!" 🙌 ❤
Happy Independence Day to all Americans! 🇱🇷
I'm a fan of Danny Gokey, and this song touches me! There is a hint of sadness, but hope in it.
We celebrate independence day in Finland as well, but some nations only celebrate national day. It saddens me that there are people in my country, and yours, that celebrate the rainbow flag but are ashamed of their national flag. We have a cross in our flag, and it reminds me of God's protection over us. I follow several politically conservative voices on social media, and there is a great concern about what's going on in the USA today, and that your freedom is under threat. I have never been to the USA (yet), but the nation has impacted the rest of the world and has given me so much, from culture (music etc.) to strong Christian role models etc.
We experience the same challenges in all of West, and since 2020 evil rulers have revealed their ugly faces (those who understand understand what I'm talking about).
@tanjaostman American’s feared God when I was young (I’m 80). Part of the modern Church is in apostasy... many pulpits are not Biblically teaching & believing the lWord Of God .. the Bible! I believe there is time to win souls to salvation in Jesus The Christ. America is not important in the later days of the End Times! The love & Salvation by Grace thru faith in the death, burial & resurrection of Jesus is the answer .. the only answer! I pray for America, Denmark & all the people’s to believe, repent & be saved!
@DevotionalTreasures great
@bethany Excellent
Loved this chapter from a book written more than 100 years ago by a Welsh missionary to China.
"The brightest day in a man's life is the day on which the revelation of God as Father becomes a reality to the soul. Is God my Father? Then I know that He will never leave me, and that He can never forsake me.
Is God my Father? Then I know that there is no poison in the cup which He gives me to drink. It may be bitter, very bitter; but there is no poison in it, there is nothing in it to hurt me.
Is God my Father? Then, though nailed to a cross, I can trust Him, and will trust Him.
"Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit." Such was His trust in God on His cross; and such shall be my trust in God on my cross. Jesus knew the Father perfectly, and trusted Him implicitly. He did so with regard to Himself, and He did so with regard to His mission and work. If He believed, why should I doubt? If He trusted in God, why should I hesitate to put my whole trust and confidence in Him?"