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For reasons I can't explain, this photo was covered up and filtered by Facebook for being "violent or graphic." 🤔

Facebook fact-checkers are financially supported by China.
NOW it all makes soooo much more sense.
THIS is why we started DingDash.

Sinobach boosted

@sinbach Making an English version may not be too far from a need in the future... as well as a "bug-out" computer for Pastors and Teachers. Raspberry Pi / Linux?

So appreciate God's anointing with BTJ's innovations.

"Light Web" should be next... circumvent everything!

Sinobach boosted

We have had more visitors to our BTJ website in last two weeks than all of 2018 put together.
Big BIG thanx to all of you

Sinobach boosted

This week we are producing 1k pill Bibles that we pray will make it into the gulags.
We want to thank all of our supporters that help make this happen!

Our online orders are way way up this week!
So many books, childrens books, and prayer bears have been purchased.
We are NOT sure why, but are thankful to feel the love of so many friends and partners out there.

Sinobach boosted

I am so happy that my friend Kat joined DD after I marketed it on FB! She is a wise, deep and humorous Swedish speaking Finnish woman. Welcome @KatRau!

Will be speaking at four churches next week in Idaho and giving updates about our work in China, North Korea, Iran, and Afghanistan.
I can NOT wait to see my friends.

You have your Bible in English today because - on this day, October 6, in 1536, William Tyndale was burned at the stake for disobeying the authorities.
It was deemed a danger to society for individuals to read the Bible themselves. If an individual wanted to learn more about the Bible, they needed to join a congregation, have it read to them by an ordained priest, and in the Latin language.
William Tyndale was considered selfish and dangerous for putting the individual over the group.

Sinobach boosted

@ChristieLeanne I honestly can’t keep track of who is letting who into their country and what the requirements are. I do think though that vaccine passports are going to become a mandatory requirement (with a couple of the usual exemptions) to travel anywhere by next year.

Just saw FB VP interview and when asked if Monday's crash was the result of a hack, she said that she is not an engineer and doesn't really know.

Sinobach boosted

@Berrybunchfamily @sinbach @bethany I haven't listened to it yet, but I'm definitely curious. This particular podcast seems to be prompting a lot of comments and discussion. My husband has listened to it already and he was talking about it too...

I've heard the Roman's 13 scripture used a million times before to get the underground house church to comply.
Truth is, Christians have a very long history of not complying with authorities.

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Sinobach's choices:

DingDash is one server in the network