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are you awake at 3 am?
May I recommend this documentary.

Sinobach boosted

@bethany @sinbach now you take Barton's side? Who's Barton? Was he even factchecked by independent factcheckers? I don't think so.

no other project brings me as much joy as supporting the education of children of persecuted parents.
I'm so thankful to be a part of this.

For fun, I am going to ring up random places and call in sick for work.
Let's see if Walmart will fire me.

BIG DAY! about to watch my youngest son swear in to the US Air Force.

They would have been 91.
Younger than Betty White.

My oldest son will graduate university in 100 days.
What the....????

so embarrassed! i have written the word hyperbole a million times, but rarely ever say it...
WORSE! i have never recognized it being said in a sentence.
so i was corrected today when someone didn't know what i was saying BECAUSE i was saying it how it is spelled and NOT how it is said!
who approved this language?!

Sinobach boosted

@sinbach Some are saying this is happening here and in England so lack of restrictions will be blamed for future deaths. Praying this will not be the case and freedom is real vs planned. Will be interesting to see what unfolds.

💥Our NEW💥 podcast mini-series goes inside the most printed book in history to learn why Mao Zedong was so powerful and influential in his war on Christians. Learn why so many Christians EVEN followed him. Understand why so many of today's leaders in the west - including the US President - quote from Mao's Little Red book.
Social Justice. Male Patriarchy. Racial Equality. Gender Gap.
These are all phrases and ideas that were taught in Mao's Little Red book LONG before they were apart of today's vernacular. For the first time EVER, we read directly from Mao's Little Red book to reveal secrets that will change the way that you listen to today's news and reveal that the enemy's tactics are not new, they are just so old that the new generation of believers have forgotten.

Israel's lead doctor for government vaccine mandates ADMITS that vaccine does not work against Omicron, calls for end of vaccine passports, and apologizes for shutting down schools.
This is NOT a drill.
The entire interview can be found in our latest article.
This will most likely be removed from mainstream social media.
That is why I am sharing this here

Sinobach boosted

I don’t know about you, but whenever I see a Jewish person listening to the words of Yeshua I am immediately filled with a sense of hope and anticipation. I feel as if Jesus did: will this Jewish man or woman finally come to me? Will they look at my words and see me or believe what they’ve been told from others and continue to refuse my name? This hope intensifies whenever I watch videos like this. I believe that if I ever had the opportunity to lead a Jew to Jesus I would weep with gratitude and thankfulness. Not that they received Jesus only, but that I would have such a privilege. Lord bless your people. Though you stumble them with the rock of your salvation be the humility they need to see their salvation in you while they lay in the ground. Amen.

Sinobach boosted

@Williams_girl @Backtojerusalem @sinbach wow! that's so great! I'm going to publish 2nd part this Friday 😍

Sinobach boosted

@bethany @sinbach free sinobach! stop the oppressor! Double spaces matter! defund Bethany 🤣
As you can see I've learned some new English expressions over last few years 😂

Sinobach boosted

Prophetic Word From over 100 years ago
William Booth
“The chief danger that confronts the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, heaven without hell.”

Sinobach boosted

two spaces after the period or no?
what did you learn?

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