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Don't let them call it an "ADVERSE REACTION"! Don't allow them to get away with that shit.
Call it exactly what it is. It's an "Assault" ... even an "attempted murder". With the motive being GREED and Dominance over their victims.

JenH boosted

This week, the Afghani Islamic leadership sent out elite troops known as Haqqani on a 'search and destroy' mission to kill any Christian leaders they could find.
Believers remain in hiding, and desperately need our prayers.

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Has the Taliban mistakenly opened a back door for underground house church missionaries into Afghanistan? Perhaps so and this is how...

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Prayer warriors – we need your prayers!
The Taliban is using sophisticated biometric equipment that they have captured from the military, and they are using it to go door-to-door to hunt down Christians.
BTJ is working with our hackers to develop a way to disable this equipment. It is a long shot, but our God is ABLE!
Prayers are desperately needed.

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JenH boosted

Tonight we will be focusing on ministering to the WHOLE family! In fact, we (as in me and my family and my brother’s family) will be focusing ENTIRELY on kids.

Why is this important? Because the enemy has already figured out that targeting kids is the door into the soul of our country. The Church is behind the times! Our media, our marketing, our “public” education, and so much more targets the children. This has been our Achilles Heel. But tonight, it will not be. Jesus loves the little children.

“Let those children come to Me, and do not hinder them. For the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” —Jesus (Mark 10:14)

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Disturbing video just released shows young boys brutally beaten in monastery. Many are even more disturbed when they learn this is normal practice among Buddhists.
This video was not as shocking for those that have already read LEAVING BUDDHA. In our book LEAVING BUDDHA, Tenzin (a former Buddhist monk) reveals the physical, emotional, and sexual child abuse that that takes place behind closed doors of Buddhist monasteries.
This evil practice must be exposed and stopped.

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JenH boosted

UPDATE ABOUT LITTLE JOSHUA WITH SEIZURES: He has improved but is still not completely back to normal. Today he is struggling with hyperactivity and emotional meltdowns (common after seizures). Thank you for all who cared and Prayed!

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Urgent. Pray right away. I (mom) woke up to find Joshua laying beside me - in the middle of a seizure. His don’t shake. Instead he loses body control and can’t move or talk and his heart races etc. so they are basically silent with zero movement. And dangerous because of his type. Christina rushed to take over care of him while I went and mixed the emergency meds. Time is important.

We have given him his emergency medication. And see some small improvement already. But please pray if you see this.🥺🥺🥺🥺

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Happy Sunday! ❤️ This Sunday morning I'm sat in church in total freedom... a full worship team on stage, the room full of people and the Word is being preached with no restriction. As I'm sat here, I can't help but think of our brothers and sisters around the world today who are totally unable to experience that same freedom. I pray I never become so distracted by my own comfort that my heart forgets to keep them in constant prayer.

This past week, more than a dozen Christians were arrested in China's latest house church raid. Keep the church and its members in your prayers 🙏🏼

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This is Soheila Fors, a Kurdish woman born in Iran, living in Sweden, married to a Swedish man. In the second picture you see Soheila’s mother and aunt before the Islamic revolution. Soheila’s father was killed by the regime, and she was abused by her first (Iranian) husband. She met Jesus in her desperation. Soheila has started up several tea houses for immigrant women in Sweden, for fellowship and vocational training. That is too provoking for the Muslim men. She receives death threats on a regular basis. A fire bomb was thrown on their balcony. She doesn’t get enough help from the authorities. It’s a taboo in Sweden to criticize the immigration policy or Islam. Those who suffer the most are women from a Muslim background. They are not defended by the leftist feminists, since they don’t fit the narrative. Some experts say that Sweden is one of the countries in Europe with the highest levels of segregations. There are dozens of no-go-zones and in some areas the sharia law is practiced

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Urgent prayer request, for believers among Somali people. As they are imprisoned and persecuted with high risk🙏🙏!

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JenH boosted

Need some mature, faithful man who lives in Amman, Jordan to go help a new believer in the Faith living in that area and baptize him. Contact me for details. I know someone on here knows a man who can do this

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Our Team isn't built on the gifts and talents of few.... but the sacrifices of many.
We praise God for our Missionaries in the field, Our prayer partners and our financial partners.
We have made progress!! Glory to God!!
God bless you, keep you revived and advancing!!
Olamide Dawson Adekunle - Missionary, Pneuma World Outreach

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Hard to believe!
Elderly Christians across China are deprived of government subsidies if they continue practicing their faith.
One woman says: "If they cancel my benefits, I will meet God earlier.” Amazing faith! We need to pray for these persecuted Christians!

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🚨URGENT🚨 "Several Children in Nigerian Christian village hacked to death this morning. At least 9 have been killed. Several missing. MSM SILENT. This is happening every week and no one is being held responsible. More than 620 have been martyred since January in Nigeria alone. AS A CHURCH PLS DO NOT REMAIN SILENT. "🚨children-

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