@erdenpilger 27°C is quite warm for a person living on Northern Europe, so I understand you. 25 is perfect for me, but I can stand even warmer. But I prefer higher temperatures in countries where they have air-conditioners in houses, especially in the bedrooms. We don't have them here.
@sinbach some old Swedish words. Eljest = otherwise, huru = how, givit = given, hägn = fence, surround, ofärdstider = times of unrest, war time
@sinbach a cousin who has lived all of her life in Sweden shared this today, and it gave me goosebumps. A song written by Lewi Pethrus, who was the leader of the Swedish pentecostal movement half a century ago. It's about God's angels protecting the borders with their swords, praying mothers, to be spared from war when the rest of the world was bleeding, the beautiful nature, and all riches of the country.
@sinbach you are apparently truly culturally sensitive, even when it comes to Sweden. 😀
@sinbach Sounds like you are getting really Swedish! 🤣
@DevotionalTreasures thank you from Edvin!
@MaryMamuzich I see... I've never owned a dog, but they say getting a puppy is like having a baby. They need much attention and care.
@MaryMamuzich they smell nice as well!
@MaryMamuzich cute not cure
@MaryMamuzich aaaaw... so cure! Congratulations! 🐶🐕
We have celebrated my friend's daughter Jasmine today! In Finland it's a big day to get the white cap after passing the Finnish matriculation exam (upper secondary school). About half of the students choose this path after the compulsory school at the age of 16, and the other half choose an easier more practical education for a vocation. This education called gymnasium is very theoretical and a preparation for university studies. Finnish women are among the highest educated women in the world, and outnumber males in Finnish universities. Unfortunately there aren't jobs for everyone that correspond to their education.
@MaryMamuzich thank you so much!
BTJ partner and DingDash creator banned AGAIN on Facebook.
Free Speech not allowed in China
Free Speech not allowed in North Korea
Free Speech not allowed in Iran
Free Speech not allowed in Saudi Arabia
Free Speech not allowed on Facebook
In the beginning was the Word....
How will they know unless they hear, and how will they hear unless someone preaches to them?
Jesus is the Truth
Satan NEEDS to stop the Preaching of the Truth and the Word of God
Free speech is inseparable from Christianity
THIS! is the reason why we created DingDash.com.
@messenjahofchrist both Hailey and Justin are very serious in their faith. I have followed them both on Instagram for a while, watched documentaries and read interviews with them that proofs this. I totally agree with you!
Love is more than a feeling. Great examples from the Scripture how to love. I am still learning how to love and how to receive God's love. "But now faith, hope, and love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love." 1 Cor 13:13. "Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself ." Matthew 22
@KarlGessler interesting! I will listen later...
Swedish-speaking Finn from Finland. Wife, mother of one boy (2008). Teaching special education at the local university. I belive that the Organic Church/House Church is the NT way of doing Church. I'm interested in what's going on in the underground Church and I pray for the persecuted Christians.