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I just finished this working week and am a little exhausted. I have interviewed (on Zoom) around 80 persons that have applied to become teachers. My ratio of their total points is 25 %. I picked this bouquet of wildflowers in our neighborhood last night. I love this time of the year in Scandinavia! 🌸🌷🌼🌻

@sinbach great to hear about that conference! 🙏 I read all pages of Ljus i Öster's magazine... they are great and trustworthy! Enjoy your stay in Sweden - a beautiful time of the year!

I love Sweden, and I share stuff like this with a heavy heart. This is about other things than helping people in their deepest needs (then they would help the Yazidis etc). It’s about “extreme” immigration policies. Today Sweden is the second most violent country in Europe. Sweden used to be the safe haven for people around the world. Including my Finnish ancestors, and Jews, during the WWII. Today most of their politics are based on atheistic secular humanism, which might look good on the surface but is destructive. Have you heard that ISIS terrorists that have returned to Sweden are offered free apartments, instead of international war crime tribunals? Did you know that if they rape a woman on the street, they get short sentences and are probably not sent back to their home countries? Did you know that you can travel to Sweden (car, ferry) without any further security control. It’s easy to smuggle illegal drugs and weapons. I could go on, but no digits left.

@bethany the same situation here... it turned around 3 weeks ago, from cold and rainy weather to sunny and warm. I don't complain! Today we had the first rain in at least a couple of weeks. We have been watering the garden.

@bethany Bethany, have you had more days of sunshine so far in June than you had in May?

@Berrybunchfamily thank you! It looks like a lake but it's actually a part of the sea. There are islands around that makes it feel and look like a lake. Trying to share the position from Google maps, but I don't know if it works: 63,2909334, 21,9687231

At my in-laws' summer cottage. Swimming and Finnish sauna. Most Finns love this! Pictures taken at 9.30 pm and it will be light all night! It's nice in the evening but not so nice when it's hard to fall asleep or you wake up at 4 am.

Tanja boosted

Global prayer warriors, please continue to pray for my 10 year old daughter. We were sent for immediate CT scan following an ultrasound today. They were concerned about a large mass. I know that with God all things are possible. And, He has given so many reassurances through this trial. But, we are in need of prayer. My daughter, husband, 7 year old son, and myself. Thank you so very much! May God bless you.

Tanja boosted

We don’t look at people as they are. We look at them as they should be. We look at them as they could be. And we look at them in Christ Jesus, that in Christ, they are complete, and they are whole [1 Timothy 2:4-6, 2 Peter 3:9]. And that is the way we look at them [Matthew 9:36]. That is how we treat them. We treat them with dignity, with honor, and with respect [Galatians 3:28, 1 Peter 2:17]. And we choose our words so that they reflect honor and respect regardless of what I see coming from them or through them [Romans 2:10-11]. I will speak evil of no man [Titus 3:2]. I will speak good [Matthew 12:34] as God has spoken about us and blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places [Ephesians 1:3]. I will bless all men [Numbers 6:24-26, Romans 12:14, Luke 6:27-28]. I will speak well. I will speak the blessings of God [James 3:10]. I will treat them as I would treat Christ [Matthew 25:40].

@sinbach I love this! I 100% believe in these methods! Bless these guys! Today I read in our local newspaper about a mental health worker (nurse) who was in trial because of killing his girlfriend - the mother of their three underaged children. A person full of anger shouldn't work with vulnerable people. It's so upsetting. When it comes to mental health issues (like depression and addiction) I believe that you need to be filled with love to help. Knowledge (education) and medication is not enough, since the root cause is often a feeling of rejection and a broken heart longing for true love. The depression, suicidal thoughts and addictions are only symptoms of deeper issues. There are many who work as psychiatrists and other health professionals that are 100% focused on psychopharmacies, and lack love and empathy, and know nothing about spiritual issues.

@deenadingding 20-25°C is 68-77°F, according to google! For me Fahrenheit is difficult and tells me nothing... one needs to stay in a country with a certain unit of measure to learn it.

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