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A perfect lunch salad with chicken! I am hungry after teaching between 8.15 and 11.30. Happy to be back on campus (even if we have to wear masks) after teaching and meeting on Zoom for 1,5 years. And one reason is that I can have lunch out instead of cooking (there is no restaurant where we live in a village). Even if I cook with my husband it's not fun or romantic weekdays when we want to focus on work. Sometimes we sit quietly in our own thoughts fully focused on our upcoming meetings or things we are working on at the moment. In addition he is an introvert engineer who easily forgets to socialize when he is in a creative mode. 😂

The rabbit hole goes deeeep... The whole thing with the pandemic, lock-downs and vaccine is about everything else than just a virus and science. There are so many non-scientific and unethical things going on. I believe in research, but not in multi million dollar companies. Moderna has been stopped for men under 30 in several country. Just one example.

This is a whistleblower who used to work for Pfizer. She got hold on email conversations about hiding from the public that they use human fetus, meaning aborted babies in the vaccine. She seems very trustworthy. Pfizer is a criminal company. They have for instance been convicted for several crimes, including testing a new risky medicine on Nigerian children without their parents' consent. Some of them died of the trial. But African lives don't matter as much as their dirty money matter? And Pfizer, a super rich company, wants me to have their so called vaccine with cells from aborted babies. No thanks.

Tanja boosted

This week we are producing 1k pill Bibles that we pray will make it into the gulags.
We want to thank all of our supporters that help make this happen!

Tanja boosted

@OneofTen , praying fir you, dear brother and sister. You are known and loved dearly by our Father.
You might try mega amounts of Vitamin D and C along with a proprietary elderberry syrup blend from the Beeyoutiful company. This syrup has been a main stay in our house for about 12 years. It contains raw honey, echinacea, honeybee propolis, cider vinegar, and of course, elderberry juice.
May Jesus bring speedy healing to you both!

Tanja boosted

I was going to post this a few days ago.

Now I'm asking brothers and sisters for urgent prayer for healing. My wife and I have come down with Co**d.
Our symptoms are different one from another and we never thought we could ever get this..
I've been really sick with it for over a week now.
I feel like I should take something (besides just motrin IB and acetaminophen and organic apples, etc.) I've had almost no appetite for a week now. I feel nauseated to put food in my mouth and today it has been harder to breathe, and I've been dizzier.
At least my wife has been able to eat, but she's had a stronger cough for a while. But now the cough is getting me bad and making it harder to breathe.
I welcome prayers, recommendations, etc.
Bless you

One more picture of Helsinki Cathedral from another direction.

Helsinki Cathedral is the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran cathedral of the Diocese of Helsinki, located in the centre of Helsinki, Finland at the Senate Square. The church was originally built from 1830–1852 as a tribute to the Grand Duke of Finland, Tsar Nicholas I of Russia. It was also known as St Nicholas's Church until the independence of Finland in 1917. It is a major landmark of the city, and possibly the most famous structure in Finland as a whole when viewed globally. (Source: Wikipedia)

Tanja boosted
Tanja boosted
Tanja boosted

Well here we go Canadian church…happening sooner than I expected.🙄 And thanks to our governments announcement today we can’t board an airplane to leave Canada without the vaccine. (Implemented Oct 30)
What do you think about the churches requirement of proof of vaccine to join the body gathering?

Tanja boosted

You have your Bible in English today because - on this day, October 6, in 1536, William Tyndale was burned at the stake for disobeying the authorities.
It was deemed a danger to society for individuals to read the Bible themselves. If an individual wanted to learn more about the Bible, they needed to join a congregation, have it read to them by an ordained priest, and in the Latin language.
William Tyndale was considered selfish and dangerous for putting the individual over the group.

Tanja boosted

On Monday, 10/4/21, Project Veritas released the fourth video of its COVID vaccine investigative series, exposing three Pfizer officials saying that antibodies lead to equal, if not better, protection against the virus compared to the vaccine. Read on to get the full scoop here! 👉

#ProjectVeritas #ExposePfizer #covidvaccine #naturalimmunity #TheTruthAboutVaccines

I am so happy that my friend Kat joined DD after I marketed it on FB! She is a wise, deep and humorous Swedish speaking Finnish woman. Welcome @KatRau!

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