@sinbach whaaaaaaat... even in Poland I know that this post is complete BS (bad spelling)...
WOW, a new level of FB crazyness...
"A man who loves, because he has obtained his freedom through the truth of God, is the greatest revolutionary on earth." Dietrich Bonhoeffer
We've spent 2 days on contemplating the life of this Godly General trying to learn as much as possible for the days we live in and the days that are comming.
Do you know what was one of the first things that hitler managed to manipulate the German church to do? Segregating of the German believers from the Jewish believers...
spending day with @mieszo @dragonski @katzarzyna @annarbanas π
@bethany @ChristieLeanne what the.... do you something more on that story? sounds super disturbing...
@bethany @ChristieLeanne there has to be a great story behind door like this π
This weekend we will go to city of Szczecin where in 1935-1937 Dietrich Bonhoeffer was running a preacher seminar. Just before all hell went loose...
A lot of Brothes and Sisters will come to pray and lsiten to the lectures.
Our topic?
"Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Practical Lesson of Resistance for the Time of the Antichrist".
Why i mention this here?
I believe that personal character presented by Dietrich during the pre ww2 years is something we could all benefit from Today.
@linxglory @sinbach @messenjahofchrist that's exactly what I started mentioning π
@sinbach @messenjahofchrist but seriously - today I've read the story of a whistleblower saying that Facebook chooses its own interest over users' wellbeing (like that needed a whistleblower...) and now there is a whole scale issue.
Just pointing out the interesting coincidence. OR SKYNET is rising :P
@sinbach @messenjahofchrist haha exactly, we can still post cat memes here! (I think that was the original intention behind facebook)
@sinbach @messenjahofchrist facebook in Poland is down as well
Online Christian Bookshop Owner.
Christian Publisher.
Living in Poland, Praying for Revival, Working for the Harvest